Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Pombos - PE 2023 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

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Q2316877 Inglês

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The proper integration of coordinated and subordinate clauses contributes to syntactic variety and complexity in American English. Combining independent and dependent clauses allows for the expression of a range of relationships and ideas within a sentence. Recognizing the distinctions between these clause types is fundamental for constructing well-structured and communicative written and spoken discourse. 

Q2316878 Pedagogia

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A pedagogia de John Dewey, inspirada na aprendizagem pela experiência, busca uma educação voltada para a resolução de problemas fictícios, distantes da realidade dos educandos e pouco contextualizados. 

Q2316879 Inglês

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Sentence stress, also known as prosody, is essential in American English for conveying the intended meaning of a sentence. It involves emphasizing certain words or syllables to communicate nuances such as importance, contrast, or emotion. Mastering sentence stress contributes to effective communication in spoken English.

Q2316880 Inglês

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Adjective clauses, also known as relative clauses, provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. Mastering the use of adjective clauses is essential for constructing complex sentences and conveying detailed descriptions in American English.

Q2316881 Inglês

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Adjective order is a crucial aspect of English syntax, and there is a specific sequence that native speakers instinctively follow when using multiple adjectives before a noun. This order is based on categories such as opinion, size, age, shape, color, proper adjective, and purpose.

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