Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Pombos - PE 2023 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

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Q2316887 Inglês

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Verbal aspect, a nuanced facet of verb semantics, delves into the temporal flow and structure of actions. Distinguishing between perfective and imperfective aspects requires a deep understanding of how verbs portray the completion or duration of events, adding layers of sophistication to the interpretation of narratives.

Q2316888 Pedagogia

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A perspectiva interdisciplinar no currículo determina que cada área de conhecimento, cada assunto e cada componente curricular deve ser abordado separadamente por parte dos educadores em sala de aula, sem menção a outras áreas do saber ou a outras disciplinas curriculares.

Q2316889 Inglês

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Indefinite pronouns, like “everyone” or “nothing,” refer to unspecified or unknown entities. Proficiency in using indefinite pronouns contributes to the creation of inclusive and precise language, allowing speakers and writers to convey generalizations and unknown quantities with accuracy. 

Q2316890 Inglês

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Elliptical syntactic structures, involving the intentional omission of elements in sentence construction, challenge conventional linguistic comprehension. Mastering the interpretation and production of elliptical phrases demands a deep understanding of underlying grammatical relationships and ellipsis strategies, representing an advanced domain of syntax. 

Q2316891 Pedagogia

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A teoria do desenvolvimento moral de Kohlberg, embasada nas fases de desenvolvimento moral, propõe uma abordagem que exige uma análise aprofundada das estratégias pedagógicas para promover a evolução ética dos alunos.

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