Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Pombos - PE 2023 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

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Q2316862 Inglês

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Adverbs can function as sentence modifiers, providing additional information about the speaker's attitude, certainty, or the likelihood of an event. Adverbs in this context, such as “fortunately” or “surprisingly,” play a vital role in conveying the speaker's perspective in American English.

Q2316863 Inglês

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Collective nouns, like “team” or “family,” present a challenge in determining whether to treat them as singular or plural. The context and intended emphasis guide the decision, reflecting the collective unit's unity or the individuality of its members. Mastery of collective noun usage refines language precision and clarity. 

Q2316864 Inglês

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Nouns, as essential components of language, categorize and name entities, encompassing both tangible and abstract concepts. The proper understanding of noun classifications—common, proper, concrete, abstract—facilitates precise and effective communication, as nouns serve as the foundation for constructing meaningful sentences.

Q2316865 Inglês

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Phrasal prepositions, composed of multiple words, introduce complexity into English grammar. Expressions like “in spite of” or “due to” function as single prepositional units, and understanding their nuances is essential for conveying nuanced relationships within sentences. Proficiency in phrasal prepositions enriches language usage and expression.

Q2316866 Inglês

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Subordinating conjunctions, such as “although,” “because,” and “while,” introduce subordinate clauses that depend on main clauses for context and meaning. Proficiency in the use of subordinating conjunctions allows for the creation of complex sentence structures, contributing to nuanced and detailed expression in American English. Recognizing the relationships established by these conjunctions aids in the construction of well-crafted and cohesive written and spoken communication.

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