Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2500556 Inglês

Available at: detail.php?id=899. Retrieved on: Feb 29, 2024. Adapted. 
The main purpose of the text is to
Q2500025 Inglês
Texts for the item.

Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the ideas presented in the texts and general English knowledge, judge the item below. 
The last period of the text II can be translated as “Simplificando, a língua inglesa é a nossa janela para o mundo.”
Q2500024 Inglês
Texts for the item.

Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the ideas presented in the texts and general English knowledge, judge the item below. 
In text II, the verbs “has witnessed” (line 20), “has become” (line 23) and “has ushered” (lines 21 and 22) are in the present perfect tense, as well as the sentence “Because of this reason, English has often been referred to as a ‘World language’, the lingua franca of the modern era.” (lines from 41 to 43).
Q2500023 Inglês
Texts for the item.

Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the ideas presented in the texts and general English knowledge, judge the item below. 
The expression “the best” (line 44) is the comparative adjective of good.
Q2500022 Inglês
Texts for the item.

Internet: <> (adapted).
Considering the ideas presented in the texts and general English knowledge, judge the item below. 
In text I, the suffix ‑ly was added to the adjectives wide, current and global so they could turn into adverbs of manner.
51: E
52: C
53: C
54: E
55: C