Questões de Inglês - Os advérbios (grau, a finalidade, contraste ...) | Adverbs (degree, purpose, contrast...) para Concurso

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Q1374281 Inglês

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The underlined words and phrases in the strip are correctly used in the sentences below except for the sentence in alternative:
Q1288186 Inglês

Nice to meet you

One of the things you learn when studying English is how to present yourself and most people learn phrases such as “How do you do?” or “Hi, my name is…”. However, one thing that language teachers don’t explain is that British people very rarely use these expressions. British people are not very good at introductions in informal situations. They are not sure what to say or what do with their hands. Whereas Brazilians or Americans will confidently extend their hands to people they meet at parties or social situations, English people prefer just to smile.

Expressions like “Hello, I’m John Smith”, “Hi, my name is…” are only used when we have to identify ourselves; for example when we go to an appointment at the dentist’s or the hairdresser’s, or if we’re telephoning someone to ask for information about ourselves.

Dialogues in school books where English teenagers present themselves to each other on the first day of school are pure fantasy. In informal social situations, British people prefer to stay chatting about something neutral like the weather, or else they use humour to break the ice. When the conversation has progressed, or even just before leaving, you can say, “I’m Ann, by the way.”, or “I didn’t catch your name”. If you meet the person again you can say, “Hello again” or, more colloquially, “Hi ya”, which stands for “Hello, nice to see you again”.

In the case of formal meetings or business situations, many language courses teach the expression “How do you do?” – to which you should answer “How do you do?”. This phrase is also recommended by the website and Drett’, the famous specialist publisher that has a range of guides on British etiquette. I have said “How do you do” in my entire life and no one has never said that to me! In today’s Britain this expression is best reserved for extremely formal situations. It is, however, something that people over 60 might say, so if your elderly boss or professor uses this expression with you, then it’s polite to answer in the same way

The word best in ‘In today’s Britain this expression is best reserved for extremely formal situations.’ is an adjective in the:
Q1253776 Inglês
Fair trade – but what’s in it for the world?

 The fair trade movement, which aims ensure that fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries, is one of the true global success stories recent decades. The International Fairtrade Certification Mark, a guarantee that producers are getting a fair price, has become one of the most recognizable logos the world, which 91 percent of customers associate positive values. When the logo first appeared in the UK, the country where the largest number of fair-trade products are sold, nobody expected that the number of certified products would grow from only 3 to over 4,500 in just 18 years. In 2011, people around the world spent more than 6.5 billion US dollars on fair- -trade certified goods, signifying a 12 percent increase in sales from the previous year. This was at a time when most market segments in the developed world were still shrinking or stagnating from the after effects of the 2008 banking crisis. Over 1.2 million farmers and workers living in 66 countries benefit from fair- -trade certification by being able to sell their products at competitive prices, to ensure sustainability.

 Fair-trade initiatives have been growing steadily since the late 1960s, when the fair trade movement started with only a handful of committed individuals in the West who believed there was an alternative to the exploitation of farmers and workers in the developing world. Fair trade ensures fair prices for suppliers, as well as payment of a premium that can be reinvested in the local communities (for example, in schools or sanitation) or in improving productivity. In India, for instance, a group of rice farmers used the premium to buy farm machinery, which meant a 30 percent improvement in production.

 As consumers look for, and recognize, the logo and purchase fair-trade products, they put pressure on companies and governments to do more for global welfare. They also put pressure on supermarkets to sell fair-trade goods at the same price as conventional products, shifting the extra costs involved from consumers to the corporations that collect the profits.

 Critics of the fair trade movement say it is still not doing enough. They stress that the key to long-term development is not in small local improvements, but in moving the developing world from the production of raw materials into processing them, which can bring in greater profit. There are already some signs of this happening. A group of tea growers in Kenya recently set up a processing factory to deliver the final products directly to their customers in the West. By switching from the export of raw tea to boxed fair-trade products, they achieved 500 percent higher profits.

 It is important to realize that, despite all of its benefits, the fair trade movement has its limitations. Some of the poorest farmers can’t afford to pay the certification fees required for each fair-trade initiative, while others work for big, multinational employers that are excluded from participating. Fair trade is certainly a step in the right direction, but there is a lot more we must continue to do in order to help people in the world’s poorest regions.
In the following paragraph:
“A group of tea growers in Kenya recently set up a processing factory to deliver the final products directly to their customers in the West. By switching from the export of raw tea to boxed fair-trade products, they achieved 500 percent higher profits.”
The underlined words are examples of:
Q1248521 Inglês

Choose the best option to complete the following dialog:

A: My car is __________ yours. Even though, it is __________ comfortable.
B: I don’t; agree. Your car is __________ mine.

Q1023882 Inglês

Text III

Here are some of the conclusions of a study conducted by The British Council to examine the policy, perceptions and influencing factors of English in Brazil:

[…] Brazil does not have a policy that focuses solely on teaching and learning English. The National Education Guidelines identify English as one of many foreign languages offered to students in primary and secondary education. Various English language learning initiatives have emerged at the federal, state and municipal levels however many English initiatives have limited success due to unbalanced curriculums, limited class time, teachers lacking the linguistic and pedagogical knowledge to effectively guide students, and minimal resources.[…]

Those working in internationalised industries, especially in management roles, do need English for employment though they may use it sparingly. As FDI ("Foreign Direct Investment") and interaction with other countries grow, especially in localised sectors, the demand for English as a medium of communication will increase. Currently, Brazil‘s average level of education and lack of English are perceived by some as detrimental to its economic growth and investment.[…] 

Perceptions of English language use are changing. Younger generations are more open to English and link it less to a political agenda and more with personal growth and opportunity. Although there seem to be deeply-rooted ideological barriers at a national level to prioritise English over other languages, at an individual level, the language is gaining increased value and influence.

(Source: British Council Education Intelligence. (2015). English in Brazil: An examination of policy, perceptions and

influencing factors. Retrieved and adapted from

The adjective "younger" in "Younger generations are more open" (L.14) signals a(n):
26: A
27: C
28: E
29: D
30: C