Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2010 para Aspirante - 2º Dia

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q190788 Inglês
Considering some of the statements are true (T) and others are false (F), which is the best alternative?
I- Steven Case considers the 21"" century the Internet Century.
II- Some specialists are certain that the Internet is as important as Gutenberg's invention of the printing press.
III- The TV was invented before 1900.
IV- Phones were common in the beginning of the 20th century.
V- By having electricity people could have more free time.
VI- It is still too early to say the Internet is the biggest Big Thing in the 21st century.
The best alternative is:

Q190789 Inglês
The word "raise" in " (...) public-health advances helped raise life expectancy (...) ." means:

Q190790 Inglês
Choose the only alternative which is correct.

Q190791 Inglês
The relative pronoun "which" in " (...) large stretches of which are favorite nesting spots for turtles." refers to:

Q190792 Inglês
What would you say if you didn't have a pen and wanted to use your friend's?

26: B
27: E
28: B
29: C
30: D