Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Tapejara - RS 2015 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

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Q1326720 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

outstanding-results – Adapted)
In lines 03, 10, 36 and 40, the correct sequence of particles that fill in the blanks is:
Q1326721 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

outstanding-results – Adapted)
Consider the following changes proposed:
I. Replacement of ‘purpose’ (l.10) by ‘intention’. II. Omission of ‘explicitly’ (l.17). III. Replacement of ‘stick’ (l.37) by ‘thrust’.
Which ones are correct?
Q1326722 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

outstanding-results – Adapted)
Observe the sentence below and analyse the following statements:
“Pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material” (l.26-27).
I. ‘can’ could be replaced by ‘are going to’ without affecting the meaning. II. The question form of the sentence is “Do pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material?”. III. To form a negation, you only need to insert the word ‘no’ after ‘can’.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Q1326723 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

outstanding-results – Adapted)
Connect the first column to the second, associating the uses of apostrophe in context to its function.
Column 1 1. To indicate an omission of letters or numbers.
2. To show possession.
Column 2 ( ) Line 06. ( ) Line 10 (1 st occurrence). ( ) Line 12. ( ) Line 15. ( ) Line 31. ( ) Line 40.
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top to the bottom, is:
Q1326724 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

outstanding-results – Adapted)
Analyse if the pronouns and its reference are correctly indicated.
I. ‘them’ (l.32) refers to ‘This process’ (l. 31). II. ‘we’ (l.36) refers to ‘all learning styles’ (l.36). III. ‘them’ (l.40) refers to ‘grammar concepts’ (l.39). IV. ‘they’ (l.40) refers to ‘Children’ (l.39).
Which ones are correct?
31: C
32: A
33: E
34: A
35: C