Questões de Inglês - Presente simples | Simple present para Concurso

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Q1768266 Inglês

(Available at: th Accessed on September 25 , 2020)

“You've recorded your lectures so your students can learn from them at home. But that's only the first step on the path to a flipped classroom. The magic starts when you use that extra class time for deep learning. Here are four telltale signs you're doing it right.”
The order of different verb tenses used in this paragraph is, respectively:
Q1763681 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

Fake news: improved critical literacy skills are key to telling fact from fiction

Adapted from 

In English, there are different ways of saying the 3rd person singular “s” ending in the present simple. In the verbs “shows” and “helps”, removed from text, the –ending is pronounced, respectively
Q1757150 Inglês
Complete the sentence: If she __________at 11 a.m., she _________at home after midnight.
Q1757147 Inglês
The sentence that doesn´t contain a “commom” mistake is:
Q1750020 Inglês
“Jackeline's weekly podcast ________________ on Tuesdays and __________ free to anyone who can download.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
66: B
67: B
68: B
69: D
70: B