Questões de Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions para Concurso

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Q1719606 Inglês
Complete a lacuna corretamente:
“She will leave promptly ______ two o’clock.”
Q1694826 Inglês
Observe the following extracts and choose the statement that reflects the realities of the underlined elements.
Edinburgh declaration calls on leaders to work far more closely with communities (subtitle) principal science adviser at NatureScot, (lines 9, 10)

i. we could replace “on” by “to” without losing the meaning

ii. we could replace “at” by “in” without losing the meaning

iii. “at” means he works or consults for this place

Q1691857 Inglês

Analise as sentenças abaixo:

I. I can’t answer now because I’m ___ the bus.

II. I like that restaurant ___ the Seventh Avenue.

III. I was right here, she was ___ the car.

Sobre preposições, assinale a alternativa que preencha, corretamente, as lacunas acima, respectivamente:

Q1610696 Inglês
Choose the right preposition to fill up the following sentence: “I’m data scientist ____ MJSP.”
Q1218622 Inglês

Chinua Achebe. The african writer and the english language. In: Patrick Williams & Laura Cristman. Colonial discourse and postcolonial theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994, p. 428-9 (adapted).

A respeito do vocabulário e dos aspectos linguísticos do texto 7A2-I, julgue o item seguinte.

In the text, “within” (ℓ.14) is a preposition meaning outside.

46: B
47: A
48: A
49: B
50: E