Questões de Inglês - Futuro simples | Simple future para Concurso

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Q1877310 Inglês
Leia o texto abaixo e identifique verbo em destaque:

      “At the start of the 20th century, a new city was beginning to grow on some flat land near the sea in southern California; its name was Los Angeles - the name of the old Spanish mission that had been there for many years.       At the same time, a new industry was just being born; the cinema. In America, they talked of "motion pictures", but this soon became shortened to "movies".”

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o tempo verbal do termo em destaque.
Q1877305 Inglês
Leia o texto abaixo:

      “It's hard to get into college these days. It used to be a lot easier. Now it's even not enough to get good grades. You need to have good grades in advanced classes. You need to do some extracurriculars. Extracurriculars are activities you do outside of class such as playing basketball, playing the violin, singing, and more. You need to have a high score on the SAT or ACT. The SAT and ACT are used to test what you know. They both have questions on various subjects.”

Assinale a alternativa que indica qual o tempo utilizado na frase em destaque. 
Q1866955 Inglês

Observe a estrutura verbal a seguir:

• Sujeito + simple future do verbo to have (will have) + o particípio do verbo principal.

A estrutura verbal apresentada acima é a representação de qual tempo verbal? 

Q1831660 Inglês
How Africa will be affected by climate change
    The African continent will be hardest hit by climate change. There are four key reasons for this. First, African society is very closely coupled with the climate system; hundreds of millions of people depend on rainfall to grow their food. Second, the African climate system is controlled by an extremely complex mix of large-scale weather systems, many from distant parts of the planet and, in comparison with almost all other inhabited regions, is vastly understudied. It is therefore capable of all sorts of surprises. Third, the degree of expected climate change is large. The two most extensive land-based end-of-century projected decreases in rainfall anywhere on the planet occur over Africa; one over North Africa and the other over southern Africa. Finally, the capacity for adaptation to climate change is low; poverty equates to reduced choice at the individual level while governance generally fails to prioritise and act on climate change. - adapted. 
Choose the alternative that contains a sentence from the text in the FUTURE:
Q1801492 Inglês
ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentença CORRETA, colocada no plural, tempo futuro simples:
26: A
27: B
28: D
29: E
30: A