Questões de Inglês - Falso Cognatos | False Cognates para Concurso

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Q2184913 Inglês

Text: Paulo Freire and Communication Studies

(Adapted from Tania Ramalho article in Communication

- Oxford University Press

       Paulo Freire, the Brazilian activist educator and philosopher of education, affirmed that communication is at the heart of pedagogy, as teaching, and learning through praxis that involves reflection and action ultimately to address social injustice and dehumanization. Dialogue is at the center of his pedagogical approach, as means to individualization and humanization. Dialogue assumes participants from EJA - young and adult education- to be on an equal level even in the presence of difference. In his literacy work, Freire required teacher-facilitators to co-investigate the most important themes in the lives of students. These themes were codified into pictures and brought to dialogue that animated the re-creation of knowledge of participants’ world in the process of learning how to read, achieving the meaning of the word. The objective of this approach was not to reproduce “banking” education but to promote revolutionary emancipation of individual and society. Freire developed his work in life context at the state of Pernambuco, in the challenging circumstances – socially, historically, and geographically – of the Brazilian Northeast Region. He experienced poverty and hunger and was lucky in his access to education thanks to the efforts of his mother. He rose through the ranks of civil service, serving at state and national levels, addressing the literacy and emancipatory needs of the population, particularly adults in rural areas. Exiled during the military dictatorship in Brazil, Freire lived in Chile, the United States, and Switzerland, where he worked on education projects worldwide. 

A questão foi desenvolvida em língua portuguesa oficial do Brasil.

Nas estratégias de leitura, o reconhecimento dos falsos cognatos é necessário para dirimir quaisquer dúvidas de significado. Atente que um vocábulo pode ser cognato em um contexto e falso cognato em outro. Agora, leia os fragmentos a seguir e observe que há dois falsos cognatos. Assinale a alternativa que os contenha: “(…) the heart of pedagogy, teaching, and learning through praxis that involves reflection and action ultimately to address social injustice and dehumanization (…)” ; “He rose through the ranks of civil service (…)”.
Q2127440 Inglês

Consider a sentence below:

"I intend to support the next mayor of the city".

How many false cognates did you find in the sentence above?

Q2064511 Inglês
Observe a tabela, a seguir, e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a única palavra que não pode ser considerada um cognato. 
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2064485 Inglês
A palavra “actually” é considerada um falso cognato. Asinale, dentre as alternativas, a única que pode realmente ser considerada um cognato.
Q2037152 Inglês

Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)


                                                                       Social networks

Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.

She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.

_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.

(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012. Adaptado.)

In the excerpt “(…) it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning”, there is a false cognate or false friend. Which of the words below is a false cognate? 
11: C
12: B
13: C
14: B
15: D