Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2020 para Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 1)

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Q1659882 Inglês


    Nelson Mandela has achieved many things, but his greatest influence may be for something he didn’t do: run for a second term as South Africa’s leader. As the first President of a post-apartheid South Africa, he was, like George Washington, aware that everything he did would be a model for those who would follow. He once said, “I don’t want to be an octogenarian President.”

    What he really meant was that no man - not even one unfairly imprisoned for 27 years - should be above the law or the people. Mandela will remain perhaps the only figure on the world stage who has been an unambiguous moral giant. He could be considered a hero precisely because he always admitted his errors and then tried to rise above them. And never stop learning. He had to catch up on almost three decades of social change, and one of the things he had to learn about was AIDS. At first, this man didn’t have the most enlightened view. But within a year-long before other, younger South African leaders - he understood that AIDS was an enormous tragedy for his country and his continent, and he saw it as another moral challenge in a life of facing up to them. That’s a moral leadership.

Adapted from Grad Two

According to the text, we can infer that Mandela _______________. EXCEPT:

Q1659883 Inglês
All the sentences below are correct, EXCEPT:
Q1659884 Matemática
Do conjunto de dados ordenados: 3 ; 5 ; 7 ; 10 ; x ; 14 ; y ; 26, sabe-se que a média e o valor mediano são iguais a 12. Assim, x + y é igual a
Q1659885 Matemática
Em um prisma hexagonal regular de 4√3cm de altura, a aresta da base mede 4 cm. As bases desse sólido foram pintadas de branco e 4 faces laterais pintadas de preto. Se SB e SP são as medidas das áreas pintadas de branco e preto, respectivamente, então SP − SB = ______cm2 .
Q1659886 Matemática

O gráfico representa, em milhares de toneladas, a produção no Estado de São Paulo de um determinado produto agrícola, entre os anos de 2012 e 2016. Analisando o gráfico, observa-se que a produção

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

41: D
42: D
43: C
44: B
45: B