Questões Militares Sobre vocabulário | vocabulary em inglês

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Ano: 2024 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2024 - PM-MG - Cadete |
Q3043500 Inglês

“All crimes are not created equal in the harm they cause: homicide is many times more harmful than shoplifting but in crime statistics where offences are counted by number, they appear equivalent. For example, in the UK for the year ending September 2019, there were 3,578,000 incidents of theft and 729 homicides (Office for National Statistics, 2019). An increase of 500 thefts would be a small change in the overall number of thefts and have little impact on police resources. 500 extra homicides would have large consequences both for the harm caused and the impact on police resources. In a number-only count, the additional 500 thefts or homicides would result in the same overall number of crimes, yet clearly the impacts are disparate.

This reality has led to the proposition of a “Harm Index” to measure how harmful different crimes are in proportion to the others. This approach adds a larger weight to more harmful crimes (e.g. homicide, rape and grievous bodily harm with intent), distinguishing them from less harmful types of crime (e.g. minor thefts, criminal damage and common assault). Practically, adoption of a harm index can allow targeting of the highestharm places, the most harmful offenders, the most harmed victims, and can assist in identifying victimoffenders. Experimentally, use of a harm index can add an additional dimension to the usual measures of success or failure, by considering harm prevented as well as reductions in prevalence or frequency. For the police, creation of harm index could allow them to invest scarce resources in proportion to the harm of each offence type.

Sherman, Neyroud and Neyroud (2016) propose that any index needs to meet three requirements in order to be considered a legitimate measure of harm: An index must meet a democratic standard, be reliable and also be adopted at minimal cost to the end user. To meet these requirements, Sherman, Neyroud and Neyroud (2016) opted for using sentence starting points rather than maximum or average actual sentences. The sentencing starting point is used to calculate crime harm as it provides a baseline penalty relative to the crime. We propose that it is a better measure of harm caused by the crime than average actual sentences, which are offender-focused and thus substantially affected by previous offending history.

The Cambridge Crime Harm Consensus proposes creation of seven statistics for counting crime, usefully including separation of historic crime reports, creation of a harm detection fraction and separation of public reported crime and those detected by proactive police activity, with the aim of providing the public with a more reliable and realistic assessment of trends, patterns and differences in public safety.

Counting crime by harm is an idea that has spread beyond the United Kingdom with indices published for Denmark (Andersen and Mueller-Johnson, 2018), Sweden (Karrholm et al. 2020), Western Australia (House and Neyroud, 2018), California (Mitchell, 2017), New Zealand and other countries.”

Cambridge Centre for Evidence-Based Policing. Available at: Accessed on: June 30, 2024.
Choose the alternative that best matches the meaning of the word 'disparate' as used in the sentence:

“In a number-only count, the additional 500 thefts or homicides would result in the same overall number of crimes, yet clearly the impacts are disparate”.
Ano: 2023 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2023 - EsSA - Sargento - Geral |
Q2509782 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly corresponds to the blank spaces.

“Remember that where ________ courageous soldiers, _________ eternal glory.” 

Ano: 2023 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2023 - EsSA - Sargento - Geral |
Q2509781 Inglês
What are the missing question words in the inquiry made by Sergeant Brooks?

Sergeant Brooks: Can you tell me _____ you last saw Private Johnson?
Corporal Diaz: I last saw him in Colonel Grant’s office.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ did you see him exactly?
Corporal Diaz: Five minutes before lunch break.
Sergeant Brooks: And _____ was he doing there?
Corporal Diaz: He was repairing the colonel’s computer.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ was he with?
Corporal Diaz: Nobody. He was alone.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ did you go to the Colonel’s Office?
Corporal Diaz: Because I had to take documents to Colonel Grant before he left for lunch.
Q2280163 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão  

On the surface, there is little to distinguish the Woolf Social Club from any other hipster hangout in Seoul, South Korea. Customers perch on wooden stools at formica tables, tapping on laptops while they sip their coffee. Records and cds line the walls, soft jazz trickles from speakers. On the white wall above the bar, in big black letters, is the statement: “More dignity, less bullshit”.

It is only on closer inspection that you realise this is more than just another coffee shop. On the mugs are cartoon drawings of Virginia Woolf, an angry wolf roaring from her shirt. A bookshelf contains South Korean feminist novels and works of self-help (titles include “Lessons on Being Unmarried”) alongside “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir and “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. On the wall is a poster for an exhibition of feminist art at a nearby gallery.

“I wanted a space for like-minded women to meet and talk,” says Kim Jina, a 47-year-old former advertising executive and politician who founded the café six years ago. Kim was inspired by Woolf’s dictum that in order to write fiction, a woman needed “five hundred [pounds] a year and a room with a lock on the door”. That is, financial independence and a place to think. The café’s casual vibe is deliberate: she wanted to avoid creating barriers to entry for women who were merely curious, rather than fully committed to the movement. Besides, she adds, “If I limited myself to feminist customers, I could never make a living.” 

South Korea, even its trendy capital, is a difficult place to be a woman. The wage gap between the sexes is the highest in the rich world. Traditional expectations about gender roles, beauty standards and the way women should conduct themselves remain pervasive. “Misogyny surrounds you so naturally that you barely even notice it,” says Kim. “I had no role models, so my idea of how a successful woman should be came straight from ‘Sex and the City’.” For much of her 20s and 30s, she spent most of her money on make-up and expensive handbags, partying every weekend and dreaming about meeting her version of Mr Big, the rich, smooth-talking love interest of the show’s main character, Carrie.

“I never worried about misogyny because I thought being sexually attractive was a form of power,” says Kim. “But eventually I realised that men with real power don’t wear make-up and expensive dresses.” Her epiphany came when she was passed over for promotion in favour of a male colleague. “My boss said, ‘He needs it more than you because he has a wife and a child to take care of,’ and I realised that I had been wrong to think that all I needed to do was work hard and be good at my job.” 

Kim’s burgeoning feminism crystallised in the summer of 2016, after a woman was murdered in a public toilet in an upmarket part of Seoul. The killer initially claimed that he had done it because he had been ignored by women. “I lived right around the corner, and I thought: that could have been me,” says Kim. Like many other women, she was upset by media coverage that ignored the misogynist motives for his crime and blamed it entirely on his mental-health problems.

The murder prompted South Korean women to come together, initially in online communities, and discuss how to fight back against sexism. Then they took to the streets. In 2018 there was a series of protests against the widespread practice of recording illegal footage of women by hiding small cameras in public toilets or changing rooms.

Kim founded the Woolf Social Club in 2017. “I thought, we talk to each other on the internet, but it would be good to have a physical space in which to do that,” she says. “If you walk around Seoul, you see all these cafés aimed at couples, where women look pretty and lower their voices. I wanted a space where they could raise them.”

[Fonte: Lena Schipper. “Virginia Woolf is inspiring South Korean feminists”. In: The Economist, 09/05/2022,<>. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 27/08/2023.]

In the excerpt from the third paragraph “I wanted a space for like-minded women to meet and talk,” the underlined term expresses an idea of:
Q2280161 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão  

On the surface, there is little to distinguish the Woolf Social Club from any other hipster hangout in Seoul, South Korea. Customers perch on wooden stools at formica tables, tapping on laptops while they sip their coffee. Records and cds line the walls, soft jazz trickles from speakers. On the white wall above the bar, in big black letters, is the statement: “More dignity, less bullshit”.

It is only on closer inspection that you realise this is more than just another coffee shop. On the mugs are cartoon drawings of Virginia Woolf, an angry wolf roaring from her shirt. A bookshelf contains South Korean feminist novels and works of self-help (titles include “Lessons on Being Unmarried”) alongside “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir and “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. On the wall is a poster for an exhibition of feminist art at a nearby gallery.

“I wanted a space for like-minded women to meet and talk,” says Kim Jina, a 47-year-old former advertising executive and politician who founded the café six years ago. Kim was inspired by Woolf’s dictum that in order to write fiction, a woman needed “five hundred [pounds] a year and a room with a lock on the door”. That is, financial independence and a place to think. The café’s casual vibe is deliberate: she wanted to avoid creating barriers to entry for women who were merely curious, rather than fully committed to the movement. Besides, she adds, “If I limited myself to feminist customers, I could never make a living.” 

South Korea, even its trendy capital, is a difficult place to be a woman. The wage gap between the sexes is the highest in the rich world. Traditional expectations about gender roles, beauty standards and the way women should conduct themselves remain pervasive. “Misogyny surrounds you so naturally that you barely even notice it,” says Kim. “I had no role models, so my idea of how a successful woman should be came straight from ‘Sex and the City’.” For much of her 20s and 30s, she spent most of her money on make-up and expensive handbags, partying every weekend and dreaming about meeting her version of Mr Big, the rich, smooth-talking love interest of the show’s main character, Carrie.

“I never worried about misogyny because I thought being sexually attractive was a form of power,” says Kim. “But eventually I realised that men with real power don’t wear make-up and expensive dresses.” Her epiphany came when she was passed over for promotion in favour of a male colleague. “My boss said, ‘He needs it more than you because he has a wife and a child to take care of,’ and I realised that I had been wrong to think that all I needed to do was work hard and be good at my job.” 

Kim’s burgeoning feminism crystallised in the summer of 2016, after a woman was murdered in a public toilet in an upmarket part of Seoul. The killer initially claimed that he had done it because he had been ignored by women. “I lived right around the corner, and I thought: that could have been me,” says Kim. Like many other women, she was upset by media coverage that ignored the misogynist motives for his crime and blamed it entirely on his mental-health problems.

The murder prompted South Korean women to come together, initially in online communities, and discuss how to fight back against sexism. Then they took to the streets. In 2018 there was a series of protests against the widespread practice of recording illegal footage of women by hiding small cameras in public toilets or changing rooms.

Kim founded the Woolf Social Club in 2017. “I thought, we talk to each other on the internet, but it would be good to have a physical space in which to do that,” she says. “If you walk around Seoul, you see all these cafés aimed at couples, where women look pretty and lower their voices. I wanted a space where they could raise them.”

[Fonte: Lena Schipper. “Virginia Woolf is inspiring South Korean feminists”. In: The Economist, 09/05/2022,<>. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 27/08/2023.]

In the excerpt from the second paragraph “A bookshelf contains South Korean feminist novels and works of self-help (titles include “Lessons on Being Unmarried”) alongside “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir and “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood”, the underlined word expresses an idea of:
Q2280158 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão. 

Read Your Way Through Salvador 

By Itamar Vieira Junior and translated by Johnny Lorenz. July 19, 2023.

I was born in Salvador, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, and lived in the general vicinity until I reached the age of 15. But it was when I left that I really came to know my city. How was I able to discover more about my birthplace while traveling far from home? It might sound rather clichéd but, I assure you, literature made this possible: It took me on a journey, long and profound, back home, enveloping me in words and imagination. 

To understand the formation of our unique society and, consequently, the cityscape of Salvador, one should read, before anything else, “The Story of Rufino: Slavery, Freedom and Islam in the Black Atlantic,” by João José Reis, Flávio dos Santos Gomes and Marcus J.M. de Carvalho. Rufino was an alufá, or Muslim spiritual leader, born in the Oyo empire in present-day Nigeria and enslaved during his adolescence. “The Story of Rufino” is an epic tale, encapsulating the life of one man in search of freedom as well as the history of the development of Salvador itself, a place inextricably linked with the diaspora across the Black Atlantic. Another book for which I have deep affection is “The City of Women,” by the American anthropologist Ruth Landes. It offers an intriguing perspective, focusing on matriarchal power in candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian sacred practice, and revealing how the social organization of its spiritual communities reverberates across the city.

If you want to feel the intensity of life on the streets of Salvador, these two books, both by Amado, are indispensable: “Captains of the Sands” and “Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands.” The first is a coming-of-age story in which we follow a group of children and adolescents living on the streets and on the beaches around the Bay of All Saints. Written more than 80 years ago, the book was banned and even burned in the public square during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas in the first half of the 20th century. As a portrait of Salvador, it is still relevant and reveals our deep inequalities. “Dona Flor and her Two Husbands” is one of Amado’s most popular novels, translated into more than 30 languages and adapted many times for theater, cinema, and television. The book is a kind of manifesto for a woman’s liberation. Dona Flor possesses great culinary talent, and oppressed by a patriarchal society, finds herself divided between two men, one being her deceased husband. While the novel captures the daily life of the city in the 1940s, it is also a wonderful guide to the cuisine of Salvador, with its African and Portuguese influences.

I invite readers to travel into the interior of Bahia, many hours by car from Salvador to the region known as the Sertão, whose name translates loosely to “backwoods.” Two books can also transport you there, and they are sides of the same story: “Backlands: The Canudos Campaign,” by Euclides da Cunha, and “The War of the End of the World,” by Mario Vargas Llosa. 

“Backlands” is one of the most important works in the history of Brazilian literature. It is a journalistic telling that introduces us not only to the brutal War of Canudos, but also to the intriguing landscape of the Sertão, a place so full of contradictions. In his writing of the conflict, da Cunha tells the story of the genesis of the tough sertanejo: a mythic, cowboyesque figure of the drought-stricken, lawless interior. “The War of the End of the World” is an essential epic that amplifies the narrative of “Backlands,” bringing a more imaginative, creative aspect to the story of Antônio Conselheiro, the spiritual leader of a rebellion, and of the multitude that followed him to their deaths.

[Fonte: “Read Your Way Through Salvador”. In: The New York Times, 19/07/2023,<> . Adaptado. Data de acesso: 01/09/2023.]
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “While the novel captures the daily life of the city in the 1940s, it is also a wonderful guide to the cuisine of Salvador” o termo sublinhado pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por:
Q2280157 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão. 

Read Your Way Through Salvador 

By Itamar Vieira Junior and translated by Johnny Lorenz. July 19, 2023.

I was born in Salvador, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, and lived in the general vicinity until I reached the age of 15. But it was when I left that I really came to know my city. How was I able to discover more about my birthplace while traveling far from home? It might sound rather clichéd but, I assure you, literature made this possible: It took me on a journey, long and profound, back home, enveloping me in words and imagination. 

To understand the formation of our unique society and, consequently, the cityscape of Salvador, one should read, before anything else, “The Story of Rufino: Slavery, Freedom and Islam in the Black Atlantic,” by João José Reis, Flávio dos Santos Gomes and Marcus J.M. de Carvalho. Rufino was an alufá, or Muslim spiritual leader, born in the Oyo empire in present-day Nigeria and enslaved during his adolescence. “The Story of Rufino” is an epic tale, encapsulating the life of one man in search of freedom as well as the history of the development of Salvador itself, a place inextricably linked with the diaspora across the Black Atlantic. Another book for which I have deep affection is “The City of Women,” by the American anthropologist Ruth Landes. It offers an intriguing perspective, focusing on matriarchal power in candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian sacred practice, and revealing how the social organization of its spiritual communities reverberates across the city.

If you want to feel the intensity of life on the streets of Salvador, these two books, both by Amado, are indispensable: “Captains of the Sands” and “Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands.” The first is a coming-of-age story in which we follow a group of children and adolescents living on the streets and on the beaches around the Bay of All Saints. Written more than 80 years ago, the book was banned and even burned in the public square during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas in the first half of the 20th century. As a portrait of Salvador, it is still relevant and reveals our deep inequalities. “Dona Flor and her Two Husbands” is one of Amado’s most popular novels, translated into more than 30 languages and adapted many times for theater, cinema, and television. The book is a kind of manifesto for a woman’s liberation. Dona Flor possesses great culinary talent, and oppressed by a patriarchal society, finds herself divided between two men, one being her deceased husband. While the novel captures the daily life of the city in the 1940s, it is also a wonderful guide to the cuisine of Salvador, with its African and Portuguese influences.

I invite readers to travel into the interior of Bahia, many hours by car from Salvador to the region known as the Sertão, whose name translates loosely to “backwoods.” Two books can also transport you there, and they are sides of the same story: “Backlands: The Canudos Campaign,” by Euclides da Cunha, and “The War of the End of the World,” by Mario Vargas Llosa. 

“Backlands” is one of the most important works in the history of Brazilian literature. It is a journalistic telling that introduces us not only to the brutal War of Canudos, but also to the intriguing landscape of the Sertão, a place so full of contradictions. In his writing of the conflict, da Cunha tells the story of the genesis of the tough sertanejo: a mythic, cowboyesque figure of the drought-stricken, lawless interior. “The War of the End of the World” is an essential epic that amplifies the narrative of “Backlands,” bringing a more imaginative, creative aspect to the story of Antônio Conselheiro, the spiritual leader of a rebellion, and of the multitude that followed him to their deaths.

[Fonte: “Read Your Way Through Salvador”. In: The New York Times, 19/07/2023,<> . Adaptado. Data de acesso: 01/09/2023.]
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “As a portrait of Salvador, it is still relevant and reveals our deep inequalities”, o termo sublinhado contém um prefixo de negação. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o termo que NÃO contém prefixo de negação.
Q2259764 Inglês
      “It’s a very nice book and very lively, but in the section on ‘Processes’ for example all the exercises are about unusual things for our country. We are a hot country and also have many Muslims. The exercises are about snow, ice, cold mornings, and making wine. I can tell you I can’t do making wine and smoking pot in my country!” (Experienced school teacher from the Ivory Coast, Africa)
      “Previous materials were not based on life in Brazil which is why I don’t think they worked very well …” (Brazilian teacher of English in school)
      “Sir … what is opera?” (Iraqi student in mixed nationality class using materials designed to practise reading narrative)
     The implications of these three quotations are not simply linguistic; rather, they address the problem of appropriate contextual realisation for materials. For the teacher in the Ivory Coast, the materials offered would be outside the cultural experience of his students (possibly even threatening) and thus effectively useless; conversely, for the Brazilian teacher, the choice of Brazilian settings and familiar mores would have clear advantages over distant foreign contexts as they are essentially more motivating. The quote from the Iraqi student suggests that complete unfamiliarity with the notion of opera may reduce the efficacy of the reading exercises, but in this case the student is curious and likely to regard the material as exotic rather than merely alien.

(D. Jolly e R. Bolitho, A framework for materials writing.
In B. Tomlinson, (ed). Material Development in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: CUP. 1998/2011. Adaptado)
No quarto parágrafo, é um adjetivo a palavra
Q2259763 Inglês
      “It’s a very nice book and very lively, but in the section on ‘Processes’ for example all the exercises are about unusual things for our country. We are a hot country and also have many Muslims. The exercises are about snow, ice, cold mornings, and making wine. I can tell you I can’t do making wine and smoking pot in my country!” (Experienced school teacher from the Ivory Coast, Africa)
      “Previous materials were not based on life in Brazil which is why I don’t think they worked very well …” (Brazilian teacher of English in school)
      “Sir … what is opera?” (Iraqi student in mixed nationality class using materials designed to practise reading narrative)
     The implications of these three quotations are not simply linguistic; rather, they address the problem of appropriate contextual realisation for materials. For the teacher in the Ivory Coast, the materials offered would be outside the cultural experience of his students (possibly even threatening) and thus effectively useless; conversely, for the Brazilian teacher, the choice of Brazilian settings and familiar mores would have clear advantages over distant foreign contexts as they are essentially more motivating. The quote from the Iraqi student suggests that complete unfamiliarity with the notion of opera may reduce the efficacy of the reading exercises, but in this case the student is curious and likely to regard the material as exotic rather than merely alien.

(D. Jolly e R. Bolitho, A framework for materials writing.
In B. Tomlinson, (ed). Material Development in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: CUP. 1998/2011. Adaptado)
Considering the whole context of the first quotation (paragraph 1), the expression “I can´t do making wine” means
Q2259755 Inglês
      Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. The main reason students cheat is their academic motivation. Sometimes they are just motivated to get a high grade, whereas other times they wish to learn all that they can about a topic. The decision to cheat or not often relates to how academic assignments and tests are constructed and assessed, not on the availability of technological shortcuts.
       Research demonstrates that students are more likely to cheat when assignments are designed in ways that encourage them to outperform their classmates. There is less cheating when teachers assign academic tasks that prompt them to work collaboratively and to focus on mastering content instead of getting a good grade.
      An important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. For example, suppose students are asked to attempt to design a hypothetical vehicle that can use gasoline more efficiently than a traditional car. Students who struggle with the project can use ChatGPT to break down the larger problem into smaller challenges or tasks. ChatGPT might suggest they first develop an overall concept for the vehicle before determining the size and weight of the vehicle and deciding what type of fuel will be used. Teachers could also ask students to compare the steps suggested by ChatGPT with steps that are recommended by other sources. 

(Kui Xie e Eric M. Anderman. 06.06.2023. Adaptado)
Read this short except.
There are three areas where our behaviour can directly influence our students’ continuing participation: goals and goal setting; learning environment; interesting classes.

(J. Harmer, The practice of English language teaching. 4th ed. Essex: Pearson Longman, 2007. Adaptado)

The task proposed in the last paragraph of the text on ChatGPT illustrates the following motivational behavior on the part of teachers:
Q2259754 Inglês
      Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. The main reason students cheat is their academic motivation. Sometimes they are just motivated to get a high grade, whereas other times they wish to learn all that they can about a topic. The decision to cheat or not often relates to how academic assignments and tests are constructed and assessed, not on the availability of technological shortcuts.
       Research demonstrates that students are more likely to cheat when assignments are designed in ways that encourage them to outperform their classmates. There is less cheating when teachers assign academic tasks that prompt them to work collaboratively and to focus on mastering content instead of getting a good grade.
      An important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. For example, suppose students are asked to attempt to design a hypothetical vehicle that can use gasoline more efficiently than a traditional car. Students who struggle with the project can use ChatGPT to break down the larger problem into smaller challenges or tasks. ChatGPT might suggest they first develop an overall concept for the vehicle before determining the size and weight of the vehicle and deciding what type of fuel will be used. Teachers could also ask students to compare the steps suggested by ChatGPT with steps that are recommended by other sources. 

(Kui Xie e Eric M. Anderman. 06.06.2023. Adaptado)
While reading the text, students mention they do not understand the word “boost” in “An important way to boost students’ confidence”. One of the ways to arrive at meaning of the word without resorting to the dictionary is by means of the compensatory strategy named
Q2259752 Inglês
      Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. The main reason students cheat is their academic motivation. Sometimes they are just motivated to get a high grade, whereas other times they wish to learn all that they can about a topic. The decision to cheat or not often relates to how academic assignments and tests are constructed and assessed, not on the availability of technological shortcuts.
       Research demonstrates that students are more likely to cheat when assignments are designed in ways that encourage them to outperform their classmates. There is less cheating when teachers assign academic tasks that prompt them to work collaboratively and to focus on mastering content instead of getting a good grade.
      An important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. For example, suppose students are asked to attempt to design a hypothetical vehicle that can use gasoline more efficiently than a traditional car. Students who struggle with the project can use ChatGPT to break down the larger problem into smaller challenges or tasks. ChatGPT might suggest they first develop an overall concept for the vehicle before determining the size and weight of the vehicle and deciding what type of fuel will be used. Teachers could also ask students to compare the steps suggested by ChatGPT with steps that are recommended by other sources. 

(Kui Xie e Eric M. Anderman. 06.06.2023. Adaptado)
Mark the alternative in which the prefix “out” means the same as in “outperform” (paragraph 2). 
Q2259751 Inglês
      Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. The main reason students cheat is their academic motivation. Sometimes they are just motivated to get a high grade, whereas other times they wish to learn all that they can about a topic. The decision to cheat or not often relates to how academic assignments and tests are constructed and assessed, not on the availability of technological shortcuts.
       Research demonstrates that students are more likely to cheat when assignments are designed in ways that encourage them to outperform their classmates. There is less cheating when teachers assign academic tasks that prompt them to work collaboratively and to focus on mastering content instead of getting a good grade.
      An important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. For example, suppose students are asked to attempt to design a hypothetical vehicle that can use gasoline more efficiently than a traditional car. Students who struggle with the project can use ChatGPT to break down the larger problem into smaller challenges or tasks. ChatGPT might suggest they first develop an overall concept for the vehicle before determining the size and weight of the vehicle and deciding what type of fuel will be used. Teachers could also ask students to compare the steps suggested by ChatGPT with steps that are recommended by other sources. 

(Kui Xie e Eric M. Anderman. 06.06.2023. Adaptado)
It is a main argument in the text:
Q2237484 Inglês

Text 1 A11-II

     "Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt lockling in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death.Which one do may be going 100km/h or faster. That car is zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. You don't have time to stop. The car that you locks up his or her brakes. 

     Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts cramp their style, or that seat belts are unconfortable. To them, I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car, of skidding across the road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives. Let's just take a you can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accidente. Hmmm... A small pleasure for a serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I'll avoid the serious pain.

Internet: <> (adapted).

In text 1 A11-II, the pronoun "their" (second sentence of the second paragraph) refers to
Q2237483 Inglês

Text 1 A11-II

     "Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt lockling in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death.Which one do may be going 100km/h or faster. That car is zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. You don't have time to stop. The car that you locks up his or her brakes. 

     Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts cramp their style, or that seat belts are unconfortable. To them, I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car, of skidding across the road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives. Let's just take a you can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accidente. Hmmm... A small pleasure for a serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I'll avoid the serious pain.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Without changing the meaning of texte 1 A11-II, the sentence "The car is zipping down the road" (seventh sentence of the first paragraph) could be correctly rewritten as
Q2201227 Inglês
Read the comic strip. The only alternative that does not express a contrary idea to complete the sentence is  
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2201216 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

From space, astronaut sounds the alarm about climate crisis
The Associated Press

    A French astronaut has used a video call from space to sound the alarm about worsening repercussions from climate change that he can see ______ the International Space Station.
       Entire regions of Earth in flames. Storms trailing destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity’s only home floating like a blue — but also tarnished — pearl in the vastness of space.
      Through the portholes ______ the International Space Station, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has an arresting view of global warming’s repercussions. He used a video call from space to sound the alarm Thursday, as negotiators, government officials and activists continued meeting at a U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
        “We see the pollution of rivers, atmospheric pollution, things like that.”
        “We saw entire regions burning from the space station, ______ Canada, in California,” he said. “We saw all of California covered ______ a cloud of smoke and flames with the naked eye from 400 kilometers (250 miles) up.”

Adapted from Access on October 25th.
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