Questões de Vestibular de Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

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Ano: 2022 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: UNB Prova: CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2022 - UNB - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q2032751 Inglês

Read the following infographic.



                                                                                                          Internet: <> (adapted)

Based on the infographic presented, judge the follow item. 

In section 1, it would be correct to use Exercising instead of “Exercise”, which, despite causing a slight difference in meaning, would not change the message conveyed.
Ano: 2022 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: UNB Prova: CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2022 - UNB - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q2032743 Inglês
  Freedom is a general term, like liberty, independence, autonomy, and equality. In reality, freedom cannot be absolute; no one can be completely free. Your talents, family situation, job, wealth, cultural norms, and laws against murder, for example, constrain and circumscribe your choices. And then there is the freedom of others, which necessarily limits yours.
  Broadly speaking, your rights, whatever they may be, define the limits to your freedom. In the Western tradition of freedom, these are your civil and political rights, including your freedom of speech, religion, and association. Some philosophers see these not only as morally justified rights in themselves, but also as the means for fulfilling other possible rights, like happiness.
  The international justification for your freedom is by reference to human rights, those due to you as a human being and object of international conventions. The most basic of all these rights are those defining what governments cannot do to you. In effect, these human rights define what many mean by democratic freedom. Your freedom of thought, expression, religion, association, is basic, as are the secret ballot, periodic elections, and the right to representation. In short, these rights say that you have a right to be free. This is universal: we all have internationally defined and protected human rights.

Rudolph Joseph Rummel. Why should you be
free?.Internet:<> (adapted). 
Judge the follow item concerning the ideas and linguistic features of the previous text.

The expression “Broadly speaking” (second paragraph) indicates that what follows is a general take on the subject, without considering exceptions or specificities. 
Ano: 2022 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: UNB Prova: CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2022 - UNB - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q2032742 Inglês
  Freedom is a general term, like liberty, independence, autonomy, and equality. In reality, freedom cannot be absolute; no one can be completely free. Your talents, family situation, job, wealth, cultural norms, and laws against murder, for example, constrain and circumscribe your choices. And then there is the freedom of others, which necessarily limits yours.
  Broadly speaking, your rights, whatever they may be, define the limits to your freedom. In the Western tradition of freedom, these are your civil and political rights, including your freedom of speech, religion, and association. Some philosophers see these not only as morally justified rights in themselves, but also as the means for fulfilling other possible rights, like happiness.
  The international justification for your freedom is by reference to human rights, those due to you as a human being and object of international conventions. The most basic of all these rights are those defining what governments cannot do to you. In effect, these human rights define what many mean by democratic freedom. Your freedom of thought, expression, religion, association, is basic, as are the secret ballot, periodic elections, and the right to representation. In short, these rights say that you have a right to be free. This is universal: we all have internationally defined and protected human rights.

Rudolph Joseph Rummel. Why should you be
free?.Internet:<> (adapted). 

Judge the follow item concerning the ideas and linguistic features of the previous text.

In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the words “others” and “yours” are both in their plural form.

Ano: 2019 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2019 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Grupo 1 - Caderno Preto |
Q1961979 Inglês
INSTRUÇÃO: Responder à questão com base no texto 1.

Adapted from: crazy-rich-asians-movie-kevin-kwan-jon-m-chu-constance-wu
The verbs that fill in the blanks in paragraph 1, correctly and respectively, are
Ano: 2021 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2021 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa - 2022.1 |
Q1859703 Inglês


Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Available from: Access: 10 Oct. 2021. Adapted.

The linking word “although” (underlined in two sentences of the text) establishes a contrast between ideas, and it may be replaced by “but”. The alternative which correctly expresses the ideas which are contrasted in the two sentences is: 

6: C
7: C
8: E
9: D
10: D