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Q1716322 Inglês
Which is NOT a synonym for the word “currently” (l. 11), considering only the meaning and the context presented in the text:
Q1716321 Inglês
The verb tense in the sentence “an artist who has helped redefine contemporary painting (…)”, in lines 01 and 02, is the same as in:
Q1716320 Inglês
The highlighted words in lines 04 and 05 refer to, respectively:
Q1716319 Inglês
Analyze the following statements about the text:
I. According to Sillman, shape is a frequent subject in the art world.
II. It is possible to visit the exhibition The Shape of Shape online.
III. You can download material about the exhibition from MoMA’s website.
Which ones are correct?
Q1716318 Inglês
Based on the information from the text, it is possible to say that Amy Sillman’s project for MoMA is:
6: D
7: A
8: C
9: C
10: B