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Q2238768 Inglês
All the alternatives below accurately describe the textual genres, EXCEPT
Q2238767 Inglês
An English language professor is working with the genre “scientific article”. They have asked students to read a number of articles and identify the different parts that are usually part of the genre. The professor is
Q2238766 Inglês
Consider the following situation: you are discussing the topic ‘Work’ with your English language students and now you are going to read a magazine article about a type of job interview called ‘extreme interviews’. The heading of the article is: Extreme interviews: what kind of dinosaur are you? If you answered Tyrannosaurus rex, then the bad news is that you probably won’t get the job you’re applying for.
The tasks below are adapted versions of the activities, from the textbook, to work with the text. Match Tasks 1 – 6 with their main aim A – I. There are three extra aims which you do not need to use.
Task 1 Discuss the questions in small groups.
1 Have you ever been to a job interview? How was the experience? What kind of questions did they ask you? Did you get the job?
2 What kind of questions do you expect to have in a job interview?
3 How can people get better prepared for a job interview?
Task 2 Look at the photo with the article. What do you think is happening? Do you think the question is one that someone might really ask in this situation? Why (not)? Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Task 3 Read the article once and find out. How would you answer the question?
Task 4 Look at the highlighted words and phrases in the text. With a partner, try to figure out what they might mean and how you think they are pronounced.
Task 5 Read the article again. Using your own words, answer the questions.
1 What are extreme interviews? 2 What kind of companies first started using them? 3 Why do some people think that they are better than normal interviews?
Task 6 Do you think extreme interviews are a good way of choosing candidates? Which of the questions below (used in real interviews) do you think would work well? Why? Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Adapted from: Face2Face Intermediate. Cris Redston and Gillie Cunningham. Cambridge University Press.
Main Aim
A. Integrating skills and personalizing the topic. B. Analyzing text organization. C. Inferring meaning of lexis from context. D. Predicting. E. Teaching grammar inductively using the text. F. Skimming. G. Activating schemata. H. Reading for details. I. Scanning.
Q2238765 Inglês
When it comes to reading subskills, all the alternatives below are correct, EXCEPT 
Q2188982 Inglês
“A lesson plan is a set of notes that helps us think through what we are going to teach and how we are going to teach. It also guides us during and after the lesson. We can identify the most important components of a lesson plan by thinking carefully about what we want our learners to do and how we want them to do it. So, it helps the teacher before the lesson (writing down the aims and procedures for each stage of the lesson), during the lesson (timing each stage) and after the lesson (using the plan and notes to help plan the next lesson)”.
(THORNBURY, 2005, p. 91-92)
Considering Thornbury’s (a very famous applied linguistics in the early 2000s) quotation, put the numbers 1 – 5 in the correct place in the following lesson plan:  Imagem associada para resolução da questão

1. To enable students to use past tenses accurately and put events in order in simple narratives.
2. Students listen to the model story, then, in groups, plan and write their own stories.
3. Use gestures to remind students to use past tenses.
4. To follow on from work on past tenses and to prepare for the storytelling project.
5. To make sure that board writing is clear and readable.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
31: A
32: C
33: A
34: E
35: D