1____On several levels, the well-being and life chances ofBr...

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1____On several levels, the well-being and life chances of

Brazilian children have improved. However, significant

issues remain, and new challenges have emerged, many of

4 which are linked to the COVID-19 crisis. National and

international evidence point to some key education

challenges that need to be addressed. Student misbehavior

7 and disruption in the classroom are common and take time

away from actual learning. Furthermore, relationships

within schools are strained and, at times, hostile. This

10 creates an unsafe environment where students feel little

connection, which – in combination with disengaging

curricula – encourages their truancy, dropout and

13 underperformance. While there is growing recognition of

the importance of the students’ well-being, many aspects of

their psychological, social and physical health remain

16 overlooked by school networks, schools and teachers.

OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective, OECD

Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/60a667f7-en. 238 pgs. with


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