Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Itabira - MG 2022 para Professor de Séries Finais - Inglês

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q2046346 Inglês

Square Dance

João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo

who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili

who didn’t love anyone.

João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,

Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,

Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,

who had nothing to do with the story.

(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by

Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”

Choose the alternative that better substitutes “who had nothing to do with the story”

Q2046347 Inglês

Square Dance

João loved Teresa who loved Raimundo

who loved Maria who loved Joaquim who loved Lili

who didn’t love anyone.

João went to the United States, Teresa to a convent,

Raimundo died in an accident, Maria became a spinster,

Joaquim committed suicide, and Lili married J. Pinto Fernandes,

who had nothing to do with the story.

(Carlos Drummond de Andrade translated by

Richard Zenith in “Multitudinous Heart”

Choose the best alternative. “João went to the United States, _____?” 

Q2046348 Pedagogia

De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular para a Língua Inglesa, a Língua Inglesa é considerada 

Q2046349 Pedagogia
Assim como a sociedade e a cultura, a língua está em um constante processo de transformação, o que significa, em grande parte, que 
Q2046350 Pedagogia

Nas opções a seguir estão listados eixos organizadores propostos para o componente Língua Inglesa, à exceção de uma. Assinale-a.

21: A
22: D
23: C
24: D
25: A