Questões de Concurso Público SEDUC-AM 2014 para Professor - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 57 questões

Q579719 Inglês

Read text II and answer the question:

Text II

The underlined expression in “as well as learning how to find" (line 30) introduces a(n) 
Q579720 Inglês

Read text II and answer the question:

Text II

The phrase that replaces “meanwhile" in “Meanwhile, the teacher becomes an adviser" (lines 31 and 32) without change in meaning is
Q579721 Inglês

Read text II and answer the question:

Text II

Nouns can have negative or positive connotations. The only option that differs from the connotation of “pitfalls" in this text is
Q579722 Inglês

Read text II and answer the question:

Text II

The synonym of “trying out" in “When you're trying out" (line 38) is 
Q579723 Inglês

Read text II and answer the question:

Text II

When the author suggests that “it's vital to do so" (lines 36 and 37), he is referring to
46: E
47: C
48: C
49: A
50: B