Questões de Concurso Público ANP 2022 para Regulador de Novas Atribuições I - Cargo 4

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Q1987962 Ética na Administração Pública
De acordo com o Código de Ética Profissional do Servidor Público Civil do Poder Executivo Federal, julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de ética no setor público. 
É vedado ao servidor público ser conivente com erro ou infração ao citado código de ética ou ao código de ética da sua profissão, salvo se assim agir em razão do seu espírito de solidariedade.
Q1987963 Ética na Administração Pública
De acordo com o Código de Ética Profissional do Servidor Público Civil do Poder Executivo Federal, julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de ética no setor público. 
A finalidade precípua da administração pública é o bem comum, razão pela qual a moralidade administrativa no serviço público não se limita à distinção entre o bem e o mal.
Q1988398 Inglês
Russia is making heaps of money from oil,
but there is a way to stop that

       The United States and its allies are leaning heavily on economic sanctions to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. But a key element in that strategy, restrictions on Russian oil exports, mostly appears to be causing pain for ordinary people in other countries. European nations, in particular, are causing considerable damage to their own economies without reducing Russia’s oil revenue.             
    Nations seeking to help Ukraine have focused on reducing Russia’s energy exports instead of reducing Russia’s earnings from energy exports. Russia is exporting less oil but, in a perverse twist, it is earning more money. The sanctions have raised prices, more than offsetting the decline in exports. In May 2022, Russia earned 883 million euros per day from oil exports, up from 633 million euros per day in May 2021.
     New sanctions that the European Union and Britain have agreed to impose on Russia by year’s end are likely to drive oil prices even higher. Some analysts warn that the price for a barrel of oil could exceed $ 200, well above the spike in the early weeks of the war, when oil prices topped out around $ 124. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.  

The text criticizes the restrictions imposed on Russia’s exports because they do not affect the amount of oil available for purchase in international markets. 

Q1988399 Inglês
Russia is making heaps of money from oil,
but there is a way to stop that

       The United States and its allies are leaning heavily on economic sanctions to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. But a key element in that strategy, restrictions on Russian oil exports, mostly appears to be causing pain for ordinary people in other countries. European nations, in particular, are causing considerable damage to their own economies without reducing Russia’s oil revenue.             
    Nations seeking to help Ukraine have focused on reducing Russia’s energy exports instead of reducing Russia’s earnings from energy exports. Russia is exporting less oil but, in a perverse twist, it is earning more money. The sanctions have raised prices, more than offsetting the decline in exports. In May 2022, Russia earned 883 million euros per day from oil exports, up from 633 million euros per day in May 2021.
     New sanctions that the European Union and Britain have agreed to impose on Russia by year’s end are likely to drive oil prices even higher. Some analysts warn that the price for a barrel of oil could exceed $ 200, well above the spike in the early weeks of the war, when oil prices topped out around $ 124. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.  

At the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine, there was a decrease in oil prices, which went from $ 200 a barrel to approximately $ 124 a barrel.

Q1988400 Inglês
Russia is making heaps of money from oil,
but there is a way to stop that

       The United States and its allies are leaning heavily on economic sanctions to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. But a key element in that strategy, restrictions on Russian oil exports, mostly appears to be causing pain for ordinary people in other countries. European nations, in particular, are causing considerable damage to their own economies without reducing Russia’s oil revenue.             
    Nations seeking to help Ukraine have focused on reducing Russia’s energy exports instead of reducing Russia’s earnings from energy exports. Russia is exporting less oil but, in a perverse twist, it is earning more money. The sanctions have raised prices, more than offsetting the decline in exports. In May 2022, Russia earned 883 million euros per day from oil exports, up from 633 million euros per day in May 2021.
     New sanctions that the European Union and Britain have agreed to impose on Russia by year’s end are likely to drive oil prices even higher. Some analysts warn that the price for a barrel of oil could exceed $ 200, well above the spike in the early weeks of the war, when oil prices topped out around $ 124. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.  

It is correct to infer from the text that the US and its allies have shot themselves in the foot with their economic sanctions against Russia.

46: E
47: C
48: E
49: E
50: C