Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Louveira - SP 2020 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q1614496 Inglês

Choose the correct option based on the expressions in bold:

1. Her hopes were dashed when she learnt that she was not selected for the play.

2. Jason was whistling merrily as he walked home from school.

3. She blew her top when she was scolded for no reason.

4. May turned pale with fright as the snake glided towards her..

Q1614497 Inglês

Choose the option that is grammatically correct:

1. Do you have any other questions?

2. I prefer the other one.

3. My boss and your boss really hate one another.

4. We need to think of one other possible solution.

Q1614498 Inglês

Choose the option that is grammatically correct:

1. It take me a long time after college to adapt to life in the office.

2. She cannot stands the thought of losing him

3. What you’re working on besides the research project?

4. We do not want to heard the policies one more time.

Q1614499 Inglês

Find the mistakes and choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

“Many Pirates in the Caribbean Sea was sponsored by foreign goverments who hoped to discrupt the trade empires of Spain and Portugal’’

Q1614500 Inglês

Find the mistakes and choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

“The Amazon were the world’s most large tropical rainflorest. It covers 2.1 million square miles for land, primarily in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia.”

16: D
17: E
18: E
19: A
20: B