Questões de Inglês - Pronome relativo | Relative clauses para Concurso

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Ano: 2019 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: CRA-PR Prova: Quadrix - 2019 - CRA-PR - Analista Sistema I |
Q975432 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the item below. 

Which can substitute “who”, in “who first had the idea”  (line 6).  

Q953942 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the following item.

The relative pronoun “who”, in “people who meditated” (lines 6 and 7), cannot be adequately replaced by that

Q952131 Inglês

TEXT 1 below, retrieved and adapted from https://chroniclingamerica. on July 9th, 2018.

Text 1 

                    Women’s rights convention – Sojourner Truth

      One of the most unique and interesting speeches of the convention was made by Sojourner Truth, an emancipated slave. It is impossible to transfer it to paper or convey any adequate idea of the effect it produced upon the audience. Those only can appreciate it who saw her powerful form, her whole-souled, earnest gesture, and listened to her strong and truthful tones. She came forward to the platform and addressing the President said with great simplicity:

      "May I say a few words?" Receiving an affirmative answer, she proceeded: I want to say a few words about this matter. I am a woman's rights. I have as much muscle as any man and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I have heard much about the sexes being equal. I can carry as much as any man, and can eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as strong as any man that is now. As for intellect, all I can say is, if a woman has a pint, and a man a quart -- why can't she have her little pint full? You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we will take too much; -- for we can't take more than our pint will hold. The poor men seem to be all in confusion, and don't know what to do. Why children, if you have woman's rights, give it to her and you will feel better. You will have your own rights, and they won't be so much trouble. I can't read, but I can hear. I have heard the bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well, if a woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again. The Lady has spoken about Jesus, how he never spurned woman from him, and she was right. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha came to him with faith and love and besought him to raise their brother. And Jesus wept and Lazarus came forth. And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and the woman who bore him. Man, where was your part? But the women are coming up blessed be God and a few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, he is surely between a hawk and a buzzard.

Reference: Robinson, M. (1851, June 21). Women’s rights convention: Sojourner Truth. Anti-slavery Bugle, vol. 6 no. 41, Page 160.

Question must be answered by looking at the following sentence from Text 1:

“One of the most unique and interesting speeches of the convention was made by Sojourner Truth, an emancipated slave.”

Without any other change added to the sentence, the clause “an emancipated slave” could be preceded by:

Q923178 Inglês

Read the text and answer to the question.

Cultural diversity and cultural identity in globalization

(Available: Adapted.)
Which” (L16) refers back to
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: INB Provas: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Comunicação | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Ambiental | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Administrador | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro da Computação | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Produção | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Civil | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Automação e Controle | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Mecânico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Químico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Agrônomo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Eletricista | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Metalúrgico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Médico do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Bibliotecário | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Sistemas | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Economista | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Advogado | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Contador | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Comércio Exterior | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Assistente Social | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Psicólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Geólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Biólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Auditor | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Enfermeiro do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Químico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Físico |
Q917094 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Read the abstract and answer to the question.


Scientists know greenhouse gas emissions cause climate change, but what causes greenhouse gas emissions in the first place? We assessed how many greenhouse gases are released to support the lifestyles of people living in different parts of Europe – in other words, we figured out people’s carbon footprint. We found that different lifestyle choices resulted in very different carbon footprints. In general, people with higher incomes (_____ bought more things and traveled more) had much higher carbon footprints than people ______ lived more modestly.

Understanding how our purchases affect greenhouse gas emissions is an important step to designing policies and guidelines for cutting emissions and addressing climate change.

Available at: < uploads/5/4/2/8/54289603/footprint_article.pdf>.

Accessed on: Dec 7th, 2017.

The correct relative pronoun to complete the blanks in the sentence: people with higher incomes (_____ bought more things and traveled more) had much higher carbon footprints than people ______ lived more modestly is:
56: E
57: E
58: E
59: A
60: C