Questões de Inglês - Plural dos substantivos | Plural of nouns para Concurso

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Q1676675 Inglês
O plural de foot é:
Q1374286 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

    For years attention has been paid to so-called communicative tests – usually implying tests dealing with speaking. More recently, efforts have been made to design truly communicative tests of other language skills as well, such as reading comprehension.

    Canale (1984) points out that a good test is not just one which is valid, reliable, and practical in terms of test administration and scoring, but rather one that is accepted as fair, important and interesting by test takers (the teachers) and test users (the students). Also, a good test has feedback potential, rewarding both teachers and students with clear, rich, relevant, and generalizable information. Canale suggests that acceptability and feedback potential have often been accorded low priority, thus explaining the curious phenomenon of multiple-choice tests claiming to assess oral interaction skills.

    One example of a communicative test has been referred to as a “storyline” test. In such a test, a common theme runs throughout in order to assess the effects of context. The basis for such an approach is that the respondents learn as they read on, that they check previous content, and that the ability to use language in conversation or writing depends in large measure on the skill of picking up information from past discussion and using it in formulating new strategies.

    Swain (1984), for example, developed a storyline test of French as a foreign language for high school French immersion students. The test consisted of six tasks around a common theme, “finding summer employment”. There were four writing tasks (a letter, a note, a composition, a technical exercise) and two speaking tasks (a group discussion and a job interview). The test was designed so that the topic would be motivating to the students and so that there would be enough information provided in order to give the tasks credibility. There was access to dictionaries and reference material, and opportunity for students to review and revise their work. Swain’s main concern was to “bias for best” in the construction of the test – to make every effort to support the respondent in doing their best on the test.

(Andrew D.Cohen. Second Language Assessment. IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia(ed). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 2nd edition. 2001. Adaptado)

“Phenomenon”, in the second paragraph, and “basis” in the third, are pluralized as “phenomena” and “bases”, respectively. A number of other English words also have irregular plurals.
Mark the alternative in which a singular noun is correctly followed by its plural form.
Q1369123 Inglês

(Source:– Adapted)

Consider the following statements:
I. One possible plural form of “Linguistic research” (l.05) is ‘a lot of linguistic research’.
II. ‘Research’ is a countable noun in every context of occurrence.
Considering the sentences above:
Q1343002 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from:

The Japanese care center looks after dogs and cats.

Choose the alternative in which all the nouns are written correctly in the plural.

Q1319663 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text. 


Consider the following statements:
I. The blank in line 14 should be filled in with ‘are,
II. The subject is plural.
Considering the sentences above:
46: C
47: D
48: C
49: C
50: D