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Q2259754 Inglês
      Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. The main reason students cheat is their academic motivation. Sometimes they are just motivated to get a high grade, whereas other times they wish to learn all that they can about a topic. The decision to cheat or not often relates to how academic assignments and tests are constructed and assessed, not on the availability of technological shortcuts.
       Research demonstrates that students are more likely to cheat when assignments are designed in ways that encourage them to outperform their classmates. There is less cheating when teachers assign academic tasks that prompt them to work collaboratively and to focus on mastering content instead of getting a good grade.
      An important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. For example, suppose students are asked to attempt to design a hypothetical vehicle that can use gasoline more efficiently than a traditional car. Students who struggle with the project can use ChatGPT to break down the larger problem into smaller challenges or tasks. ChatGPT might suggest they first develop an overall concept for the vehicle before determining the size and weight of the vehicle and deciding what type of fuel will be used. Teachers could also ask students to compare the steps suggested by ChatGPT with steps that are recommended by other sources. 

(Kui Xie e Eric M. Anderman. 06.06.2023. Adaptado)
While reading the text, students mention they do not understand the word “boost” in “An important way to boost students’ confidence”. One of the ways to arrive at meaning of the word without resorting to the dictionary is by means of the compensatory strategy named
Q2259753 Inglês
      Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. The main reason students cheat is their academic motivation. Sometimes they are just motivated to get a high grade, whereas other times they wish to learn all that they can about a topic. The decision to cheat or not often relates to how academic assignments and tests are constructed and assessed, not on the availability of technological shortcuts.
       Research demonstrates that students are more likely to cheat when assignments are designed in ways that encourage them to outperform their classmates. There is less cheating when teachers assign academic tasks that prompt them to work collaboratively and to focus on mastering content instead of getting a good grade.
      An important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. For example, suppose students are asked to attempt to design a hypothetical vehicle that can use gasoline more efficiently than a traditional car. Students who struggle with the project can use ChatGPT to break down the larger problem into smaller challenges or tasks. ChatGPT might suggest they first develop an overall concept for the vehicle before determining the size and weight of the vehicle and deciding what type of fuel will be used. Teachers could also ask students to compare the steps suggested by ChatGPT with steps that are recommended by other sources. 

(Kui Xie e Eric M. Anderman. 06.06.2023. Adaptado)
An English teacher believes this is a good text to give their more advanced students to read, since it is about a recent and polemic topic. A post-reading classroom discussion aimed at helping students critically react to the text’s content could include reflecting about
Q2259748 Inglês
     Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that air escapes through a narrow passage and makes a hissing sound. The dental fricatives are sometimes described as if the tongue were placed between the front teeth, and it is common for teachers to make their students do this when they are trying to teach them the sound. The thing is, however, that the tongue is normally placed behind the teeth; the air escapes through the gaps between the tongue and the teeth. There is a distiction between fortis (unvoiced) fricatives, as in the word “thin”, and lenis (voiced) fricatives, as in “thus”. (Roach 2003)

(Mark Roach,. English Phonetics and Phonology.
Cambridge: CUP, 2003. Adaptado)
There are several words with fricatives in the preceding text. The word with an unvoiced initial fricative is
Q2259747 Inglês
Na frase “in situations where students are expected to learn English as an additional language”, a palavra destacada em negrito pode ser corretamente substituída por:
Q2259745 Inglês
       To share knowledge in the academic world, researchers might need to publish their research articles (RAs) in high-impact journals. And, to do that, they should improve their writing skills. Many investigations have analyzed the distribution of metadiscourse markers in RA, but no study has yet investigated the use of metadiscourse markers in RAs abstracts of applied linguistics. To bridge this gap, the present study has analyzed distribution of metadiscourse markers in 125 RA abstracts, which were extracted from five main journals. Findings show the high frequency of transitions and large use of hedges in the abstracts analyzed. Academic writing instruction is then claimed to be of utmost importance for novice authors taking graduate and post-graduate courses.

(Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(4), 2077-2096; 2020. Adaptado) 
The text is
66: A
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