Questões da Prova Aeronáutica - 2009 - EEAR - Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 2)

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Q666899 Física

Um garoto puxa uma corda amarrada a um caixote aplicando uma força de intensidade igual a 10 N, como está indicado no esquema a seguir. A intensidade, em N, da componente da força que contribui apenas para a tentativa do garoto em arrastar o caixote horizontalmente, vale

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Q666856 Inglês

Match the proverbs (1-5) in question 49 above with these explanations:

( ) Don’t antecipate the future before it happens.

( ) Accept a present graciously and gratefully, without criticizing the present or giver.

( ) Don’t invest all your efforts, or attention, in just one thing.

( ) Don’t judge people or things by their outward appearance.

( ) Take care of small sums of money and they will become large sums.

Q666855 Inglês

Choose the best answer to have these proverbs completed.

1- Never judge a book by its _____ .

2- Take care of the pence and the _____ will take care of themselves.

3- Don’t count your chickens before they are _____.

4- Never look a gift horse in the _____.

5- Don’t put all your _____ in one basket.

Q666854 Inglês
In “... these Australian ones have the edge over all the others.” (lines 5 and 6), it means that
Q666853 Inglês
According to the text,
71: A
72: A
73: D
74: C
75: C