Questões da Prova Aeronáutica - 2015 - EEAR - Sargento - Controlador de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 1)

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Q537356 Inglês
Cockpit, (line 11), means the
Q537355 Inglês
Choose the correct active sentence to replace “The autopilot was reprogrammed by someone” (lines 10 and 11).
Q537354 Inglês
 According to the text, write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements.

( ) There were artists on Flight 9525.

( ) There were only elderly people on board.

( ) All the passengers on Flight 9525 were Spanish.

( ) The journalists on board were returning from a vacation trip.

Choose the alternative which corresponds to the order. 

Q537353 Inglês
“Crew members”, (line 13), means all the people who
Q537352 Inglês
“Unfit to fly”, lines 11 and 12, means
51: C
52: C
53: A
54: A
55: C