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Q481758 Inglês
The ’s in “not the government’s” (l. 19) is the
Q481756 Inglês
Considering the new law about fast-food advertising, the text says that McDonald’s, Burger King and other food companies intend to
Q481755 Inglês
About the toys given away by fast-food restaurants, it’s stated in the text that they
Q468821 Inglês

The doctor is trying to _______________ the patient.

According to this cartoon, the alternative that suitably completes the blank is
Q468820 Inglês
Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False).

About the “Shunran-no-Sato’ project, it’s correct to say that it

( ) was started by a few number of young adults.
( ) aims at not letting their village disappear.
( ) gives people the chance to be in contact with nature.
( ) can house its guests in comfortable hotels.

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
51: B
52: D
53: C
54: D
55: A