Questões de Concurso Militar EFOMM 2018 para Oficial da Marinha Mercante - Primeiro Dia

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Q933352 Inglês

According to the comic strip, it is possible to infer that:

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Q933353 Inglês
Read the text below. Which alternative is correct ?
What’s the weather like ?
Of all human activities, transport is probably one of the most influenced by the weather. From deciding wheather or not to go for a walk in the park to cancelling or delaying intercontinental passenger flights, the weather influences our movements all the time. Extreme weather conditions can cause accidents, death and destruction. So, predicting the weather is a priority when people and goods are moved from one place to another. Today man has developed some very sophisticated means for predicting the weather, but despite this, our predictions are not always accurate because weather conditions can change very suddenly.
(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and Logistics)
Q933356 Inglês
Choose the only alternative which is correct.
Q933357 Inglês
Mark the correct alternative.
Q933360 Inglês

Read the text and mark the correct option.

The Radar

The word RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. It is a technology which was properly used for the first time during the Second World War by the allied troops against the Germans. Basically, a radar is an anti-collision tool and can measure the bearing and the distance of a selected target. It is therefore a vital aid on ships and airplanes, especially in case of low or blind-visibility navigation. To detect a target’s position, the radar dish or antenna sends out pulses of electromagnetic waves. When these waves hit the target their echo is returned to the aerial and transformed into visual signals shown on a screen called PPI (Plan Position Indicator) or display. The capacity of the antenna to concentrate the irradiation energy in the dish is called gain. The whole process is based on the principle that radio waves bounce off solid surfaces. It is therefore possible to determine the bearings and distances of far away targets and deduce infonnation about potential hazards. The Radar can also be used to find out the position of a ship at sea, but only in the case in which a fix (a fixed point of reference on the land) is available. For this, other more precise, handy and faster tools, like the GPS, are used.

(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and Logistics)

1: C
2: B
3: A
4: D
5: D