Questões de Concurso Militar EPCAR 2018 para Cadete da Aeronáutica

Foram encontradas 16 questões

Q916344 Inglês

Mark the option that replaces the underlined words, respectively, keeping the same meaning.

[...] many people often confuse child slavery with child labour [...]” (lines 48 and 49)

Q916345 Inglês
In the topic “Forced and early marriage” (line 56), the modal verb can be replaced by ____ without changing the meaning.
Q916346 Inglês

Mark the option with the suitable question to answer the fragment below.

When someone is married against their will”. (lines 56 and 57)

Q916348 Inglês
The author concludes that Anti-Slavery International believes
11: D
12: A
13: C
14: A
15: B