Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2015 para Sargento - Controlador de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 1)

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Q537361 Inglês

Read the cartoon and write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

( ) The toothbrush said that the toilet paper’s job is the best.

( ) The toothbrush said that it has the worst job in the world and the toilet paper agreed.

( ) The toilet paper’s thinking conveys the meaning that there is always someone who has a worse job.

( ) The toilet paper’s thinking was ironic, possibly interpreted as “so, you do not know what I actually do”.

Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order:

Q537362 Inglês

Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements, according to the text.

( ) Radiotelephone communications need to be efficient and brief.

( ) The sound in radiotelephone communications may not be good.

( ) In radiotelephone communications, there is no body language.

( ) Radiotelephone communications do not require a good level of language proficiency.

Choose the correct alternative, according to the order of the sentences.

Q537363 Inglês
The words “efficiency” and “brevity” (both in line 13) follow, respectively, the same rule of word formation as in
Q537364 Matemática
O conjunto solução da inequação 22x +1 < 5/4 . 2x+2 - 2 é

Q537365 Matemática
O quadrilátero ABCD tem seus vértices localizados em um plano cartesiano ortogonal, nos pontos A (1,1), B (2,3), C (2,-2) e D (0,-1). A área desse quadrilátero é, em unidades de área, igual a
46: C
47: A
48: D
49: B
50: B