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Q922532 Inglês

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Africa’s vast potential is coupled with immense challenges. Demographic trends, lack of infrastructure, and the legacy of colonialism are major obstacles Africa has to overcome if it is ever to become the agricultural superpower it aims to be. (2º parágrafo).

Considerando o contexto, as palavras destacadas podem ser traduzidas, em português, por

Q922530 Inglês

Com base no texto 1, analise as afirmativas abaixo:

I. As melhores terras do mundo para as atividades de pecuária e agricultura estão situadas na região central do continente africano, de acordo com pesquisadores.

II. Há muito mais jovens que velhos na pirâmide etária do continente africano, sendo essa a barreira mais difícil de se superar em relação à questão socioeconômica da África.

III. Sessenta por cento da terra arável, não cultivada do mundo, estão na África, de acordo com relatório da McKinsey & Company.

IV. As tendências demográficas, a falta de infraestrutura e o legado do colonialismo estão entre os obstáculos que a África precisa superar para se tornar uma superpotência agrícola.

V. Na África, as pessoas mais jovens estão menos interessadas na agricultura, buscando oportunidades econômicas em outras indústrias mais atraentes.

Estão CORRETAS apenas

Q910185 Inglês
The words balloon, plane and dirigible airships, in bold in the text, are different kinds of ______________
Q856467 Inglês

                       Domestic violence victims denied justice: state of Roraima

                                    fails to investigate, prosecute abusers

      June 21, 2017

      The authorities in the Brazilian state of Roraima are failing to investigate or prosecute domestic violence cases, leaving women at further risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The serious problems in Roraima, the state with the highest rate of killings of women in Brazil, reflect nationwide failures to provide victims of domestic violence with access to justice and protection.

      Killings of women rose 139 percent from 2010 to 2015 in Roraima, reaching 11.4 homicides per 100,000 women that year, the latest for which there is data available. The national average is 4.4 killings per 100,000 women—already one of the highest in the world. Studies in Brazil and worldwide estimate that a large percentage of women who suffer violent deaths are killed by partners or former partners.

      Only a quarter of women who suffer violence in Brazil report it, according to a February 2017 survey that does not provide state-by-state data. Human Rights Watch found in Roraima that when women do call police they face considerable barriers to having their cases heard. Military police told Human Rights Watch that, for lack of personnel, they do not respond to all emergency calls from women who say they are experiencing domestic violence. Other women are turned away at police stations. Some civil police officers in Boa Vista, the state´s capital, decline to register domestic violence complaints or to request protection orders. Instead, they direct victims to the single “women’s police station” in the state – which specializes in crimes against women – even at times when that station is closed. Even when police receive their complaints, women must tell their story of abuse, including sexual abuse, in open reception areas, as there are no private rooms to take statements in any police station in the state.

      Not a single civil police officer in Roraima receives training in how to handle domestic violence cases. Some police officers, when receiving women seeking protection orders, take statements so carelessly that judges lack the basic information they need to decide whether to issue the order. Civil police are unable to keep up with the volume of complaints they do receive. In Boa Vista, the police have failed to do investigative work on a backlog of 8,400 domestic violence complaints.

(Human Rights Watch. brazil-domestic-violence-victims-denied-justice. Adaptado)

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “Instead, they direct victims to the single ‘women’s police station’ in the state”, o termo em destaque equivale, em português, a
Q799768 Inglês

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                Police in England and Wales consider making

                             misogyny a hate crime


        Mark Townsend

        September 10, 2016

        Police forces across England and Wales are considering expanding their definition of hate crime to include misogyny (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women) after an experiment in one city that saw more than 20 investigations launched in two months.

        The initial success of Nottingham’s crackdown against sexist abuse has drawn national interest after the city’s police revealed that they investigated a case of misogyny every three days during July and August, the first months to see specially trained officers targeting behaviour ranging from street harassment to unwanted physical approaches.

        Several other forces have confirmed they are sending representatives to Nottingham this month to discuss the introduction of misogyny as a hate crime. Police and campaigners said the initial figures were broadly in line with other categories of hate crime such as Islamophobia and antisemitism but were likely to rise significantly as awareness increased.

        Dave Alton, the hate crime manager for Nottingham police, said: “The number of reports we are receiving is comparable with other, more established, categories of hate crime. We have received numerous reports and have been able to provide a service to women in Nottinghamshire who perhaps would not have approached us six months ago. The reality is that all of the reports so far have required some form of police action.”

                                                                                      ( Adaptado)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – The initial success of Nottingham’s crackdown against sexist abuse... –, o termo destacado em negrito tem sentido equivalente, em português, a
6: C
7: A
8: B
9: C
10: D