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Ano: 2014 Banca: IF-RS Órgão: IF-RS Prova: IF-RS - 2014 - IF-RS - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1387027 Inglês
Em distant cultures (linha 06), a classe gramatical das palavras, na ordem em que aparecem no sintagma, é a mesma que em
Ano: 2019 Banca: Inatel Órgão: Inatel Prova: Inatel - 2019 - Inatel - Vestibular - Julho |
Q1386890 Inglês
[…] “whereas our bees can collect data for hours […] (Singular Form)
Ano: 2017 Banca: Univap Órgão: Univap Prova: Univap - 2017 - Univap - Vestibular - Processo Seletivo 3 |
Q1380859 Inglês

A questao refere-se ao texto abaixo.

A palavra “while” na fala de Sun Tzu significa
Ano: 2014 Banca: IF-BA Órgão: IF-BA Prova: IF-BA - 2014 - IF-BA - Vestibular - CURSOS SUPERIORES - INGLÊS |
Q1370997 Inglês
Consider the statements given and mark the correct option, according to their grammar features:

I. In the sentence “President Lula took part in a ceremony that focused firmly on the future” the relative pronoun that can be replaced by which without changing the meaning of the sentence.
II. In the sentence “We have a chip, we have a level that can be used on frontier control, we can guarantee citizenship, and it can guarantee transactions in the virtual world” the modal verb can indicates an ability.
III. The word currently in the sentence “Currently, Brazilians have to deal with a confusing array of identity numbers” can be substituted by the word nowadays without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Ano: 2019 Banca: Inatel Órgão: Inatel Prova: Inatel - 2019 - Inatel - Vestibular - Junho |
Q1369374 Inglês
How alcohol damages stem cell DNA and increases cancer risk.

LONDON (Reuters) - Drinking alcohol produces a harmful chemical in the body which can lead to permanent genetic damage in the DNA of stem cells, increasing the risk of cancer developing, according to research published on Wednesday.

Working with mice in a laboratory, British scientists used chromosome analysis and DNA sequencing to examine the genetic damage caused by acetaldehyde, a harmful chemical produced when the body processes alcohol.

Their findings offered more detail about how alcohol increases the risk of developing 7 types of cancer, including common forms such as breast and bowel cancer. It also showed how the body seeks to defend against the damage alcohol can do.“Some cancers develop due to DNA damage in stem cells. While some damage occurs by chance, our findings suggest that drinking alcohol can increase the risk of this damage,” said Ketan Patel, a professor at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, who co-led the study. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, citing “convincing evidence” it causes cancer in humans.

In Wednesday’s study, published in the journal Nature, Patel’s team gave diluted alcohol to mice and then analyzed the effect on the animals’ DNA. They found that acetaldehyde can break and damage DNA within blood stem cells, permanently altering the DNA sequences within these cells.

This is important, Patel said, because when healthy stem cells become faulty, they can give rise to cancerous cells.

Source: alcohol-damages-stem-celldna-and-increases-cancer-risk-idUSKB1ES1N2 
Pate said: “When healthy stem cells become faulty, they can rise to cancerous cells.” (Opposite)
36: D
37: E
38: C
39: C
40: C