Consider the statements given and mark the correct option, ...

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Ano: 2014 Banca: IF-BA Órgão: IF-BA Prova: IF-BA - 2014 - IF-BA - Vestibular - CURSOS SUPERIORES - INGLÊS |
Q1370997 Inglês
Consider the statements given and mark the correct option, according to their grammar features:

I. In the sentence “President Lula took part in a ceremony that focused firmly on the future” the relative pronoun that can be replaced by which without changing the meaning of the sentence.
II. In the sentence “We have a chip, we have a level that can be used on frontier control, we can guarantee citizenship, and it can guarantee transactions in the virtual world” the modal verb can indicates an ability.
III. The word currently in the sentence “Currently, Brazilians have to deal with a confusing array of identity numbers” can be substituted by the word nowadays without changing the meaning of the sentence.