In relation to the word self-restraint we can state that: I....

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Ano: 2011 Banca: COPESE - UFT Órgão: UFT Prova: COPESE - UFT - 2011 - UFT - Vestibular - Prova 1 |
Q228505 Inglês
In relation to the word self-restraint we can state that:

I. It is not related to self-control.

II. It stands for a person who is always thinking first of his/her own interest and needs without concern for others.

III. It can be used to refer to someone who thinks more of others‘ needs and welfare than of his/her own.

IV. It reminds people that have pity for themselves.

V. It could be related to a person who can give up things that he or she wants, in order to help or for a good purpose.

VI. It is the contrary of what is used to refer to someone who is interested only in taking personal advantage.

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