Questões de Vestibular UEMA 2021 para Vestibular - 2º Dia

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Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q2081781 Inglês

Read the text II to answer the question.


Common Dog Training Mistakes You Might Be Making

Priya Faith

You've welcomed a new furry friend into the family, and you can't wait to start training them. Whether it's to do all kinds of tricks or you want to ensure you have a well-behaved canine, it's not always straight forward. When it comes to training your four-legged friend, a lot of mistakes can occur… 

Fear not, we're on hand with some of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them.

1. You're Focusing on The Negatives
If you're focusing on the negatives during training, it's not nearly as effective than using positive reinforcement. Rather than reprimanding poor behavior, concentrate on recognizing the good. While it will take a bit of practice, but it will pay off.

2. Training Sessions Last Too Long
Once you've seen some positive results, you should call time on your session. Just like us, your dog will get bored if you drag out training sessions too long. Instead, train in manageable stages, so it's more fun and useful for everyone.

3. You Stay in The Same Place to Train Your Dog
While you'll probably do the majority of your training at home, you should avoid limiting practice to just one place. If you teach your dog to behave inside four walls, it's likely that as soon as they get out into the big wide world, they'll have a much harder time paying attention 

4. You're Using Your Clicker Too Much
Clicker training is pretty popular, and it can be a handy training tool when used correctly. However, you must understand how to use your clicker before you start clicking away. If you're not using it correctly, things can get pretty confusing pretty quickly.

5. You Rely on Treats Too Much
Granted, treats are a great way to keep your pup motivated and engaged. However, you should vary your rewards. Rather than just limiting rewards to treats, use toys, praise and play to mix things up. 

6. You Repeat Commands Too Often
So, you're teaching your dog to sit, but it's not working. Instead of repeating the command over and over until your canine sits out of boredom, you should try something else. Your dog needs to be clear that the behavior should come directly after the command and stalling can undo this hard work.

7. You're Not Considering Your Dogs Personality
Even if you've trained a dog or dogs before successfully, it doesn't mean the same approach will work for your new pup. Every dog has a distinct character and behavioral profile, so to find out what will work, you need to be mindful of this. One size fits all is certainly not the case when it comes to dog training.

8. You Lack Confidence
Lack of confidence is a straight-up weakness. As natural predators, dogs can sense any weakness instinctively. So, with every command, you need to be confident. slightly modified.
Based on the common mistakes observed in Priya Faith’s text, the option which points out correctly that one matching the specific part with the main idea is
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q2081782 Inglês

Read the text II to answer the question.


Common Dog Training Mistakes You Might Be Making

Priya Faith

You've welcomed a new furry friend into the family, and you can't wait to start training them. Whether it's to do all kinds of tricks or you want to ensure you have a well-behaved canine, it's not always straight forward. When it comes to training your four-legged friend, a lot of mistakes can occur… 

Fear not, we're on hand with some of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them.

1. You're Focusing on The Negatives
If you're focusing on the negatives during training, it's not nearly as effective than using positive reinforcement. Rather than reprimanding poor behavior, concentrate on recognizing the good. While it will take a bit of practice, but it will pay off.

2. Training Sessions Last Too Long
Once you've seen some positive results, you should call time on your session. Just like us, your dog will get bored if you drag out training sessions too long. Instead, train in manageable stages, so it's more fun and useful for everyone.

3. You Stay in The Same Place to Train Your Dog
While you'll probably do the majority of your training at home, you should avoid limiting practice to just one place. If you teach your dog to behave inside four walls, it's likely that as soon as they get out into the big wide world, they'll have a much harder time paying attention 

4. You're Using Your Clicker Too Much
Clicker training is pretty popular, and it can be a handy training tool when used correctly. However, you must understand how to use your clicker before you start clicking away. If you're not using it correctly, things can get pretty confusing pretty quickly.

5. You Rely on Treats Too Much
Granted, treats are a great way to keep your pup motivated and engaged. However, you should vary your rewards. Rather than just limiting rewards to treats, use toys, praise and play to mix things up. 

6. You Repeat Commands Too Often
So, you're teaching your dog to sit, but it's not working. Instead of repeating the command over and over until your canine sits out of boredom, you should try something else. Your dog needs to be clear that the behavior should come directly after the command and stalling can undo this hard work.

7. You're Not Considering Your Dogs Personality
Even if you've trained a dog or dogs before successfully, it doesn't mean the same approach will work for your new pup. Every dog has a distinct character and behavioral profile, so to find out what will work, you need to be mindful of this. One size fits all is certainly not the case when it comes to dog training.

8. You Lack Confidence
Lack of confidence is a straight-up weakness. As natural predators, dogs can sense any weakness instinctively. So, with every command, you need to be confident. slightly modified.
In every subpart (numbered 1 to 8) of the main text, one finds linking-words. Among them, HOWEVER and SO. The option which synthesizes correctly the function of these expressions, respectively, is
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q2081783 História
A charge, a seguir, ironiza o médico Oswaldo Cruz e seu exército de mata-mosquitos, codinome dado aos funcionários da saúde, em confronto com os manifestantes populares na época da Revolta da Vacina.   
13.png (612×336)  Jornal O Malho, 29/10/1904
A Revolta da Vacina ocorreu no Rio de Janeiro em 1904. Seu estopim foi a campanha de vacinação em massa da população, efetivada pelo governo federal, após a lei que estipulou a vacina obrigatória contra a varíola. Essa insurreição urbana tem causas mais profundas, entre as quais podem ser destacadas

Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q2081784 História
14.png (635×293)
O Mosteiro da Batalha, em Portugal, é uma construção arquitetônica medieval. Entre as características da Igreja Católica, no período dos séculos XI-XV, é correto afirmar que se trata de uma instituição
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q2081785 Atualidades
Em 2020, pode-se salientar dois acontecimentos que chamaram a atenção da mídia. Nos Estados Unidos, a morte de George Floyd, por asfixia numa abordagem policial. No Brasil, João Alberto Freitas, espancado por seguranças até o óbito, após discussão num supermercado.
Leia as notícias a seguir sobre essas duas mortes.
Notícia 1
Segundo advogados da família Floyd, o exame apontou que a compressão do joelho policial sobre o pescoço cortou o fluxo de sangue para o cérebro do ex-segurança. Além disso, o peso sobre as costas da vítima dificultou sua respiração. Imagens gravadas da ação policial mostraram Floyd, já algemado, dizendo que não conseguia respirar. A frase "I can't breath" ("Eu não consigo respirar") tornou-se um dos símbolos das manifestações que se espalharam pelos EUA e pelo mundo. noticias/2020/11/20/video-mostra-homem-sendo-e-espancado-por-segurancas-do-carrefour-no-rs.htm?cmpid=copiaecola
Notícia 2
Homem negro morre após ser espancado em supermercado de Porto Alegre
João Alberto Silveira Freitas, um homem negro de 40 anos, morreu na noite de ontem após ser agredido por dois seguranças - um deles PM temporário, fora de serviço - no supermercado [...], na zona norte de Porto Alegre, às vésperas do feriado da Consciência Negra. Os agressores foram presos, suspeitos de homicídio doloso [...] noticias/2020/11/20/video-mostra-homem-sendo-e-espancado-por-segurancas-do-carrefour-no-rs.htm?cmpid=copiaecola
Esses dois casos, à luz dos estudos das Ciências Humanas, estão
11: C
12: B
13: B
14: C
15: A