Questões de Vestibular UEMA 2021 para Vestibular - 1º Dia

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Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q2082120 Inglês

Veggies You Can Regrow From Discarded Roots

Patrick Phillips 

   When it comes to cooking with healthy, fresh ingredients, we always end up facing the same issue: what to do with all of the roots we chop off of our veggies? Instead of tossing them in the trash, there’s actually something quite useful you can do with them, and it’ll save you a good chunk of change.
    Regrowing green onions has become quite popular, and it’s easy to understand why: it’s very simple and fun to check on its growth progress on a daily basis. It’s also a great way to help avoid food waste. However, there are plenty of vegetables you can regrow for yourself at home using scraps.
   Green Onion
   Let’s start with the basics: green onions. These are the fastest plants to regrow and also the easiest. To do so, put the root and 1 inch of the white part in a bowl or jar, then fill it with enough water to cover up to halfway up the white part of the onion. Change out the water every 2 to 3 days. You’ll notice it growing within a day and after a week, you’ll have greens that you can use!
    Romaine Lettuce
   You can regrow romaine lettuce and also other lettuces by placing the roots of it in a jar filled with at least 1 inch of water. Leave for a few days until it begins to grow, then transfer the roots into soil to continue growing the thriving plant.
  You can regrow cabbage in the same way that you regrow lettuce. Simply save a stump of the cabbage with its roots and place it in 1 inch of water. Then transfer the sprouting leaves into soil.
  Since leeks are actually directly related to green onions, they can be regrown using the same method. Place the root and about 2 inches of the white part in a jar with water that reaches about halfway up the white part. These will take a bit longer to regrow, but don’t give up! Make sure to keep changing out the water every 2 or 3 days.
   Carrot Tops
   Cut a carrot at the top (the root) and place the piece, cut side-down, in a bowl of water. The leaves of the carrots will grow as opposed to the carrot itself, however, these leaves can be used in salads, be used as a garnish, or can even be put into a pesto. Simply change the water every few days.
  Celery can be regrown in the same way as the cabbage and romaine. Place the root end of the stalk in 1 inch of water. When the leaves will begin to sprout, wait about a week in order for the celery to become stronger. Make sure you change the water every few days. Once this process is done, you can replant the celery in soil. Celery leaves can also be used in salads. Slighted modified. Accessed on September the 30th
The veggies which have the same way of regrowing are
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q2082121 Inglês

Veggies You Can Regrow From Discarded Roots

Patrick Phillips 

   When it comes to cooking with healthy, fresh ingredients, we always end up facing the same issue: what to do with all of the roots we chop off of our veggies? Instead of tossing them in the trash, there’s actually something quite useful you can do with them, and it’ll save you a good chunk of change.
    Regrowing green onions has become quite popular, and it’s easy to understand why: it’s very simple and fun to check on its growth progress on a daily basis. It’s also a great way to help avoid food waste. However, there are plenty of vegetables you can regrow for yourself at home using scraps.
   Green Onion
   Let’s start with the basics: green onions. These are the fastest plants to regrow and also the easiest. To do so, put the root and 1 inch of the white part in a bowl or jar, then fill it with enough water to cover up to halfway up the white part of the onion. Change out the water every 2 to 3 days. You’ll notice it growing within a day and after a week, you’ll have greens that you can use!
    Romaine Lettuce
   You can regrow romaine lettuce and also other lettuces by placing the roots of it in a jar filled with at least 1 inch of water. Leave for a few days until it begins to grow, then transfer the roots into soil to continue growing the thriving plant.
  You can regrow cabbage in the same way that you regrow lettuce. Simply save a stump of the cabbage with its roots and place it in 1 inch of water. Then transfer the sprouting leaves into soil.
  Since leeks are actually directly related to green onions, they can be regrown using the same method. Place the root and about 2 inches of the white part in a jar with water that reaches about halfway up the white part. These will take a bit longer to regrow, but don’t give up! Make sure to keep changing out the water every 2 or 3 days.
   Carrot Tops
   Cut a carrot at the top (the root) and place the piece, cut side-down, in a bowl of water. The leaves of the carrots will grow as opposed to the carrot itself, however, these leaves can be used in salads, be used as a garnish, or can even be put into a pesto. Simply change the water every few days.
  Celery can be regrown in the same way as the cabbage and romaine. Place the root end of the stalk in 1 inch of water. When the leaves will begin to sprout, wait about a week in order for the celery to become stronger. Make sure you change the water every few days. Once this process is done, you can replant the celery in soil. Celery leaves can also be used in salads. Slighted modified. Accessed on September the 30th
Taking into consideration the specific parts (1 to 6) of text II: Green onion, Romaine lettuce, Cabbage, leeks, Carrot tops, and Celery, choose the correct option in which one can find a comparative of superiority.
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q2082122 História
A Guerra de Canudos foi um conflito que envolveu milhares de sertanejos pobres e o exército republicano brasileiro, no nordeste da Bahia, entre 1896 e 1897. A comunidade do arraial de Bello Monte, liderada por Antônio Conselheiro (retratado, em primeiro plano, na imagem ao lado), representou uma nova experiência social no sertão nordestino.
13.png (347×310)
Considerando a organização social de Canudos, pode-se afirmar que essa era uma sociedade
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q2082123 História
14_.png (349×256)  Cúpula da Rocha. Qubbat As-Sakhrah. Jerusalém, Israel.
A Cúpula da Rocha ou Domo da Rocha, situado em Jerusalém, foi construído no século VII e é um dos lugares mais sagrados da religião islâmica. O Islamismo defende os seguintes pilares:
Ano: 2021 Banca: UEMA Órgão: UEMA Prova: UEMA - 2021 - UEMA - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q2082124 História
15_.png (279×368)  “Então você lê livros, hein?” Cartum de Herblock no Washington Post, 24/04/1949.
O período dos anos 1950, nos Estados Unidos, é marcado pela Guerra Fria, momento que surgiu também o Macarthismo, influenciado pelas ideias do senador Joseph McCarthy. Esse período está retratado na charge.
Os elementos fundamentais dessa política dos Estados Unidos dos anos 50 são indicados na seguinte opção: 
11: E
12: E
13: B
14: E
15: D