Questões de Vestibular UECE 2010 para Vestibular - Inglês

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Ano: 2010 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2010 - UECE - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q238885 Inglês
In terms of voice, the verbs in these three sentences “Literary works are born, as shapeless ghosts, in the intimacy of a writer's consciousness, projected into it by the combined strength of the unconscious, and the writer's sensitivity to the world around him, and the writer's emotions…”, “literature has been relegated--like some hidden vice--to the margins of social and personal life, and transformed into something like a sectarian cult…” and “Nothing better protects a human being against the stupidity of prejudice, racism, religious or political sectarianism, and exclusivist nationalism than this truth that invariably appears in great literature: that men and women of all nations and places are essentially equal.” are respectively in the
Ano: 2010 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2010 - UECE - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q238886 Inglês
The extract “A community without a written literature expresses itself with less precision, with less richness of nuance, and with less clarity than a community whose principal instrument of communication, the word, has been cultivated and perfected by means of literary texts. … A person who does not read, or reads little, or reads only trash, is a person with an impediment: he can speak much but he will say little, because his vocabulary is deficient in the means for self-expression.” contains verbs in the following tenses (irrespective of the sequence)
Ano: 2010 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2010 - UECE - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q238887 Inglês
In the sentences “Reading good literature is an experience of pleasure, of course; but it is also an experience of learning what and how we are,” and “In today's world, this totalizing and living knowledge of a human being may be found only in literature.”, the -ing words reading, learning, totalizing and living play the function respectively of
Ano: 2010 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2010 - UECE - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q238888 Inglês
The alternative which correctly completes the sentence “We learn how to speak ………. – and ………., ………., and ………. – from good literature, and only from good literature.” is
Ano: 2010 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2010 - UECE - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q238889 Inglês
The alternative which correctly completes the sentence “Without rebellion against the mediocrity and the squalor of life, we would still live in a primitive state, and history …… .” is
16: B
17: A
18: C
19: B
20: C