Questões de Vestibular UDESC 2018 para Vestibular - Matemática \ Biologia \ Inglês \ Português - manhã

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q1298409 Biologia
Normalmente pensamos na existência dos recifes de corais em águas quentes, rasas e limpas, com muita luz e poucos nutrientes, no entanto na foz do rio Amazonas, é o contrário, os sedimentos carregados pelo rio deixam a água turva, mas trazem muitos nutrientes, compensando a escassez de luz. Outra peculiaridade é a variação de acidez, da salinidade e da turbidez da água, como resultado do encontro do rio com o oceano.
Disponível em <>. Acesso em 09 de setembro de 2018. [adaptado]
Assinale a alternativa correta, em relação ao grupo animal que forma os corais.
Q1298410 Biologia
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo humano, sendo responsável por diferentes funções de grande importância para a manutenção da vida. Analise as proposições em relação à pele, e assinale (V) para verdadeira e (F) para falsa.
( ) A camada mais externa da pele é chamada de epiderme. Esse tecido é constituído por células mortas e queratinizadas nos diferentes níveis da sua estratificação.
( ) Os melanócitos são responsáveis pela formação da melanina, a qual é capaz de absorver a radiação ultravioleta, também neutraliza radicais livres formados pela ação da radiação.
( ) Em dias quentes, os vasos sanguíneos da pele se dilatam, facilitando a irradiação de calor do corpo para o meio.
( ) O produto das glândulas sebáceas é lançado nos folículos pilosos ou diretamente na superfície da pele.
( ) O produto das glândulas sudoríparas é constituído de água, sódio, potássio, cloretos, ureia, amônia e ácido úrico.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q1298411 Biologia
O esquema a seguir mostra o comportamento de dois genes não ligados em camundongos. O gene 1, com os alelos A e a e do gene 2, com os alelos B e b. O alelo A do gene 1 produz uma enzima que atua sobre um substrato (Proteína 1). O alelo B do gene 2, sobre um outro substrato (Proteína 2). Os genótipos recessivos não produzem as enzimas ativas. O esquema abaixo mostra os fenótipos possíveis: aguti, preto ou branco.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Ao serem cruzados dois camundongos duplo heterozigotos para os genes A e B, nasceram 80 filhotes, desses espera-se que o número de filhotes com pelo branco seja
Q1298412 Inglês
Text 1

Published: 18 September 2009
Background: The combination of four protective lifestyle behaviours (being physically active, a non-smoker, a moderate alcohol consumer and having adequate fruit and vegetable intake) has been estimated to increase life expectancy by 14 years. However, the effect of adopting these lifestyle behaviours on general health, obesity and mental health is less defined. We examined the combined effect of these behaviours on self-rated health, overweight/obesity and depression.
Methods: Using data from the Survey of Lifestyle Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) 2007 (), a protective lifestyle behaviour (PLB) score was constructed for 10 364 men and women (>18 years), and representative of the Republic of Ireland adult population (response rate 62%). Respondents scored a maximum of four points, one point each for being physically active, consuming five or more fruit and vegetable servings daily, a non-smoker and a moderate drinker.
Results: One-fifth of respondents (20%) adopted four PLBs, 35% adopted three, 29% two, 13% one and 2% adopted none. Compared to those with zero PLBs, those with four were seven times more likely to rate their general health as excellent/very good [OR 6.8 95% Cl (3.64- 12.82)] and four times more likely to have better mental health [OR 4.4 95% Cl (2.34-8.22)].
Conclusions: Adoption of core protective lifestyle factors known to increase life expectancy is associated with positive self-rated health, healthier weight and better mental health. These lifestyles have the potential to add quality and quantity to life.
Key words: lifestyle behaviours, self-rated, health, obesity, depression, protective factors.
Topic: ethanol, obesity, physical activity, smoking, depressive disorders, fruit, Ireland, life style, mental health, vegetables, overweight, feelings. Issue Section: Lifestyle and living conditions

Answer the question below according to Text 1. 
The Text says that:
Q1298413 Inglês
Text 1

Published: 18 September 2009
Background: The combination of four protective lifestyle behaviours (being physically active, a non-smoker, a moderate alcohol consumer and having adequate fruit and vegetable intake) has been estimated to increase life expectancy by 14 years. However, the effect of adopting these lifestyle behaviours on general health, obesity and mental health is less defined. We examined the combined effect of these behaviours on self-rated health, overweight/obesity and depression.
Methods: Using data from the Survey of Lifestyle Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) 2007 (), a protective lifestyle behaviour (PLB) score was constructed for 10 364 men and women (>18 years), and representative of the Republic of Ireland adult population (response rate 62%). Respondents scored a maximum of four points, one point each for being physically active, consuming five or more fruit and vegetable servings daily, a non-smoker and a moderate drinker.
Results: One-fifth of respondents (20%) adopted four PLBs, 35% adopted three, 29% two, 13% one and 2% adopted none. Compared to those with zero PLBs, those with four were seven times more likely to rate their general health as excellent/very good [OR 6.8 95% Cl (3.64- 12.82)] and four times more likely to have better mental health [OR 4.4 95% Cl (2.34-8.22)].
Conclusions: Adoption of core protective lifestyle factors known to increase life expectancy is associated with positive self-rated health, healthier weight and better mental health. These lifestyles have the potential to add quality and quantity to life.
Key words: lifestyle behaviours, self-rated, health, obesity, depression, protective factors.
Topic: ethanol, obesity, physical activity, smoking, depressive disorders, fruit, Ireland, life style, mental health, vegetables, overweight, feelings. Issue Section: Lifestyle and living conditions

Answer the question below according to Text 1. 
It is correct to say that:
26: A
27: D
28: D
29: B
30: E