Questões de Vestibular FAME 2014 para Vestibular, FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A

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Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: FAME Prova: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2014 - FAME - Vestibular - FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A |
Q1346174 Geografia
Sobre a questão agrária no Brasil, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: FAME Prova: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2014 - FAME - Vestibular - FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A |
Q1346176 Inglês

This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.

Text 1

Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed

Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that though births to teens aged 15 to 17 have decreased, girls from this group in the US are still having nearly 1,700 births a week. The organization says this highlights the need for interventions targeted at teens.

Not only do teenage mothers face hardships, but their babies are also at risk for certain adverse outcomes, such as increased medical risks and emotional, social and financial costs.

The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vital Signs report on teen pregnancy has now been posted online, and the organization notes that it was created to "continue the dialogue about teen pregnancy and its burden on our nation's youth."

To arrive at their findings, the researchers examined birth data from the National Vital Statistics System, as well as adolescent health behavior data from the National Survey of Family Growth.

"Although we have made significant progress reducing teen pregnancy, far too many teens are still having babies," says Dr. Tom Frieden, CDC director.

"Births to younger teens pose the greatest risk of poor medical, social and economic outcomes. Efforts to prevent teen childbearing need to focus on evidence-based approaches to delaying sexual activity and increasing use of the most effective methods of contraception for those teens who are sexually active."

From the report, the researchers found promising data, revealing that teen births in the US have declined over the last 20 years to the lowest level recorded in 2012. However, during that year, over 86,000 teens between the ages of 15 and 17 gave birth.
'Need for early interventions

The CDC report reveals the teen birth rate has dropped, but officials say earlier interventions are still needed.

In detail, the team observed that, per 1,000 teens between 15-17 years old, births declined 63%, from 38.6 in 1991 to 14.1 in 2012.

Though 73% of teens in this age group had not yet had sex, of the more sexually active teens, over 80% had not had any formal sex education before they had sex for the first time.

Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.

Broken down by ethnicity, the data show that the birth rate in teens of this age is highest for Hispanic, non-Hispanic black and American Indian/Alaska Native teens.

"We need to provide young people with the support and opportunities they need to empower themselves," says Shanna Cox from CDC's Division of Reproductive Health. "Trying to balance the task of childbearing while trying to complete their high school education is a difficult set of circumstances, even with the help of family and others," she says, and adds:

"Teens who give birth are at increased risk of having a repeat birth while still a teenager. And these younger teens are less likely to earn a high school diploma or GED than older teens who give birth."

Although the report revealed a promising statistic - that over 90% of teens used some form ofcontraception the last time they had sex - most of the methods they relied on were "among the least effective."

Because many differences in teen pregnancy rates persist between ethnic groups, the CDC suggest there is a need for interventions and services aimed at specific cultural groups

The organization says parents and guardians play a particularly important role in helping teens avoid risky sexual behaviors, and that delivering prevention efforts earlier could encourage abstinence and birth control use.

Written by Marie Ellis, Accessed on April 10,2014. 

One of the means to avoid teen pregnancy would NOT INCLUDE to
Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: FAME Prova: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2014 - FAME - Vestibular - FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A |
Q1346177 Inglês

This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.

Text 1

Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed

Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that though births to teens aged 15 to 17 have decreased, girls from this group in the US are still having nearly 1,700 births a week. The organization says this highlights the need for interventions targeted at teens.

Not only do teenage mothers face hardships, but their babies are also at risk for certain adverse outcomes, such as increased medical risks and emotional, social and financial costs.

The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vital Signs report on teen pregnancy has now been posted online, and the organization notes that it was created to "continue the dialogue about teen pregnancy and its burden on our nation's youth."

To arrive at their findings, the researchers examined birth data from the National Vital Statistics System, as well as adolescent health behavior data from the National Survey of Family Growth.

"Although we have made significant progress reducing teen pregnancy, far too many teens are still having babies," says Dr. Tom Frieden, CDC director.

"Births to younger teens pose the greatest risk of poor medical, social and economic outcomes. Efforts to prevent teen childbearing need to focus on evidence-based approaches to delaying sexual activity and increasing use of the most effective methods of contraception for those teens who are sexually active."

From the report, the researchers found promising data, revealing that teen births in the US have declined over the last 20 years to the lowest level recorded in 2012. However, during that year, over 86,000 teens between the ages of 15 and 17 gave birth.
'Need for early interventions

The CDC report reveals the teen birth rate has dropped, but officials say earlier interventions are still needed.

In detail, the team observed that, per 1,000 teens between 15-17 years old, births declined 63%, from 38.6 in 1991 to 14.1 in 2012.

Though 73% of teens in this age group had not yet had sex, of the more sexually active teens, over 80% had not had any formal sex education before they had sex for the first time.

Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.

Broken down by ethnicity, the data show that the birth rate in teens of this age is highest for Hispanic, non-Hispanic black and American Indian/Alaska Native teens.

"We need to provide young people with the support and opportunities they need to empower themselves," says Shanna Cox from CDC's Division of Reproductive Health. "Trying to balance the task of childbearing while trying to complete their high school education is a difficult set of circumstances, even with the help of family and others," she says, and adds:

"Teens who give birth are at increased risk of having a repeat birth while still a teenager. And these younger teens are less likely to earn a high school diploma or GED than older teens who give birth."

Although the report revealed a promising statistic - that over 90% of teens used some form ofcontraception the last time they had sex - most of the methods they relied on were "among the least effective."

Because many differences in teen pregnancy rates persist between ethnic groups, the CDC suggest there is a need for interventions and services aimed at specific cultural groups

The organization says parents and guardians play a particularly important role in helping teens avoid risky sexual behaviors, and that delivering prevention efforts earlier could encourage abstinence and birth control use.

Written by Marie Ellis, Accessed on April 10,2014. 

Although teen pregnancy has decreased in the US, in 2012 alone
Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: FAME Prova: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2014 - FAME - Vestibular - FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A |
Q1346183 Inglês
Exercise as Preventive Medicine

OCTOBER 9, 2013

A structured exercise program may be as good or better than frequently prescribed drugs for some common cardiovascular ailments, a large meta-analysis has found. Researchers evaluated 57 randomized trials testing the effect on mortality of exercise and drugs in four prevention regimens: the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, rehabilitation from stroke, treatment of heart failure, and prevention of Type 2 diabetes. The review, published online in BMJ, involved more than 14,000 patients.

The studies used a variety of drugs — for example, statins for the prevention of coronary heart disease, blood thinners for stroke, diuretics for heart failure, and biguanides like Glucophage and Metaglip for impending diabetes.

They found no difference in mortality between exercise and drug interventions in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease or Type 2 diabetes. For stroke prevention, exercise programs were more effective than anticoagulants or antiplatelet medicines. And for treating heart failure, diuretic drugs were more effective than exercise. The lead author, Huseyin Naci, a fellow at Harvard Medical School, said that in most of the trials, patients were doing structured exercise programs in combination with drugs. “These findings do not imply that patients should go off their medications and start exercising instead,” he said. “We weren’t able to find many exercise trials, which adds to the limitations of the findings. But what we don’t know about exercise may be harming us.” Accessed on April 11, 2014 

Mark the instance in which drugs proved to be more effective than exercise.
Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: FAME Prova: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2014 - FAME - Vestibular - FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A |
Q1346189 Português
Texto 1

Somos uma sociedade injusta e segregacionista

O fenômeno dos centenas de rolezinhos que ocuparam shoppings centers no Rio e em São Paulo suscitaram as mais disparatadas interpretações. (...)

Eu, por minha parte, interpreto da seguinte forma tal irrupção:

Em primeiro lugar, são jovens pobres, das grandes periferias, sem espaços de lazer e de cultura, penalizados por serviços públicos ausentes ou muito ruins como saúde, escola, infra-estrutura sanitária, transporte, lazer e segurança. Veem televisão cujas propagandas os seduzem para um consumo que nunca vão poder realizar. E sabem manejar computadores e entrar nas redes sociais para articular encontros. Seria ridículo exigir deles que teoricamente tematizem sua insatisfação.

Mas sentem na pele o quanto nossa sociedade é malvada porque exclui, despreza e mantém os filhos e filhas da pobreza na invisibilidade forçada. O que se esconde por trás de sua irrupção? O fato de não serem incluídos no contrato social. Não adianta termos uma "constituição cidadã" que neste aspecto é apenas retórica, pois implementou muito pouco do que prometeu em vista da inclusão social. Eles estão fora, não contam, nem sequer servem de carvão para o consumo de nossa fábrica social (Darcy Ribeiro). Estar incluído no contrato social significa ter garantidos os serviços básicos: saúde, educação, moradia, transporte, cultura, lazer e segurança. Quase nada disso funciona nas periferias. O que eles estão dizendo com suas penetrações nos bunkers do consumo? "Oia nóis na fita"; "nois não tamo parado";"nóis tamo aqui para zoar"(incomodar). Eles estão com seu comportamento rompendo as barreiras do aparheid social.(...)

Continuamos uma Brasilíndia: uma Bélgica rica dentro de uma Índia pobre. Tudo isso os rolezinhos denunciam, por atos e menos por palavras.

Em segundo lugar, eles denunciam a nossa maior chaga: a desigualdade social cujo verdadeiro nome é injustiça histórica e social. Releva constatar que, com as políticas sociais do governo do PT, a desigualdade diminuiu, pois, segundo o IPEA, os 10% mais pobres tiveram entre 2001-2011 um crescimento de renda acumulado de 91,2%, enquanto a parte mais rica cresceu 16,6%. Mas esta diferença não atingiu a raiz do problema, pois o que supera a desigualdade é uma infraestrutura social de saúde, escola, transporte, cultura e lazer que funcione e seja acessível a todos. Não é suficiente transferir renda; tem que criar oportunidades e oferecer serviços, coisa que não foi o foco principal no Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social.

O "Atlas da Exclusão Social" de Márcio Poschmann (Cortez 2004) nos mostra que há cerca de 60 milhões de famílias no Brasil, das quais cinco mil famílias extensas detém 45% da riqueza nacional. Democracia sem igualdade, que é seu pressuposto, é farsa e retórica. Os rolezinhos denunciam essa contradição. Eles entram no "paraíso das mercadorias" vistas virtualmente na TV para vê-las realmente e senti-las nas mãos. Eis o sacrilégio insuportável pelos donos dos shoppings. Eles não sabem dialogar, chamam logo a polícia para bater e fecham as portas a esses bárbaros. Sim, bem o viu T.Todorov em seu livro "Os novos bárbaros": os marginalizados do mundo inteiro estão saindo da margem e indo rumo ao centro para suscitar a má consciência dos "consumidores felizes" e lhes dizer: esta ordem é ordem na desordem. Ela os faz frustrados e infelizes, tomados de medo, medo dos próprios semelhantes que somos nós.

Por fim, os rolezinhos não querem apenas consumir. Não são animaizinhos famintos. Eles têm fome sim, mas fome de reconhecimento, de acolhida na sociedade, de lazer, de cultura e de mostrar o que sabem: cantar, dançar, criar poemas críticos, celebrar a convivência humana. E querem trabalhar para ganhar sua vida. Tudo isso lhes é negado, porque, por serem pobres, negros, mestiços sem olhos azuis e cabelos loiros, são desprezados e mantidos longe, na margem.

Esse tipo de sociedade pode ser chamada ainda de humana e civilizada? Ou é uma forma travestida de barbárie? Esta última lhe convém mais. Os rolezinhos mexeram numa pedra que começou a rolar. Só parará se houver mudanças.

BOFF, Leonardo. Jornal Zero Hora. 28 jan. 2014. (adaptado). Disponível em: <>. Acesso em 05 abr. 2014
Observe a criação do neologismo Brasilíndia neste trecho:
“Continuamos uma Brasilíndia: uma Bélgica rica dentro de uma Índia pobre.”
A criação do neologismo Brasilíndia ocorreu por
6: C
7: B
8: C
9: B
10: D