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Ano: 2009 Banca: ESAF Órgão: ESAF
Q1239378 Inglês
Happy new year
Source: Jul 2nd 2009 (Adapted)
The mantra in Washington, DC is simple: spend billions now, pay later. Congress has been crafting ambitious plans for energy, health care and transport. But the mood in state capitals has been different. Forty-six states had a deadline of June 0th to pass their budgets. Just as important, those budgets had to be balanced. With the sole exemption of Vermont, America ́s state governments, unlike the federal one, are not allowed to run deficits. June was an agonizing month.
On the morning of July 1st, the first day of the new fiscal year for most states, taxpayers had reason to be glum. Connecticut, North Carolina and Ohio had passed temporary extensions. California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Illinois did not have a balanced budget as required. Most states that did pass budgets imposed painful cuts, higher taxes and fees on everything from pesticides in Minnesota to hunting licences in Maine.
Matters would be worse if it were not for Washington ́s stimulus package, which provides more than $135 billion to support state budgets. Most money, $87 billion, is for Medicaid, the government ́s health-care programme for the poor. A further $48 billion created a State Fiscal Stabilisation Fund, mostly for schools and universities.
According to paragraph 3,
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: ANTT
Q1238415 Direito Constitucional
A respeito da aplicabilidade das normas constitucionais, julgue o item a seguir.
De acordo com interpretação doutrinária do direito constitucional, normas de eficácia limitada são aquelas que apresentam aplicabilidade indireta e reduzida, porque somente incidem totalmente após normatividade posterior que lhes dê aplicabilidade.
Ano: 2013 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MF
Q1223800 Inglês
Why Some State Immigration Laws are Welcoming but Others are Downright Hostile 1. Immigration policy reform has become a topic of almost daily national debate. Businesses, consumers, employers, labor unions, law enforcement offi cers, higher education offi cials, and not to mention immigrants themselves, all have something at stake in immigration policy reform. All of the recent discussion of immigration policy at the national level makes it easy to forget that signifi cant changes have already been made in immigration policy at the state level, many of which will likely affect the policy discourse and the nature of any policy changes at the national level. As the nation considers how to move forward with immigration policy reform, we should fi rst understand how we got to this point. What has shaped immigration policy changes at the state level in the last decade? 2. Using an analysis of all 50 states, James Monogan, a political scientist at the University of Georgia, fi nds that immigration policy is affected most by legislative professionalism, electoral ideology, state wealth, and change in the foreignborn population. Specifi cally, the more professional a legislature is, the more likely they are to enact welcoming laws toward immigrants, which Monogan suggests is likely because career politicians in these legislatures are more concerned with their future electoral prospects than those in less professional legislatures. In other words, state legislators are mindful of how opponents could garner votes in the next election and they consider this when voting on immigration policy. Not surprisingly, states with a more liberal electorate are more likely to take a welcoming stance on immigration policy, suggesting that policy makers are somewhat responsive to public opinion. Economics and demographics also play a role, as states with a higher per capita gross state product tend to pass more welcoming laws towards immigrants while states experiencing an increase in the foreign-born population tend to pass policies that are more hostile towards immigrants. 3. These results are quite interesting as they suggest that immigration policy is a function of the professional nature of a state’s legislature, public opinion in the state, overall state economic conditions, and state demographics. Monogan’s results offer a clear picture of how states have chosen to make changes to immigration policy over the last decade in the face of federal inaction. (Source: Jennifer Connolly, in Journal of Public Policy, May 20th, 2013, adapted
 Regarding the language underlined in the text, it can be said that 
Q1002902 Gestão de Pessoas

Um órgão da Prefeitura de Salvador pretende aplicar uma política de valorização de pessoal, utilizando, como base, resultados de avaliações de desempenho.

Para isso, será utilizado um método democrático em que o chefe e o subordinado decidem, em conjunto, quais serão os resultados visados e os recursos necessários.

Esse método é conhecido como

Q1002901 Administração Geral

Uma startup de compartilhamento de patinetes elétricos, sediada no município de Salvador, recebe um aporte de capital de 10 milhões de dólares de uma empresa americana, com objetivo de apoiar a expansão de seu negócio para toda a América Latina. Após o aporte, a startup decide realizar um redesenho integral de seus processos, visando obter melhorias drásticas em seu desempenho para ter condições adequadas para disputar o mercado internacional.

Assinale a opção que indica o nome da técnica utilizada pela startup.

1: B
2: C
3: A
4: B
5: A