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Q771836 Inglês

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The Research Assignment

  Students today have access to so much information that they need to weigh the reliability of sources. Any resource – print, human, or electronic – used to support your research inquiry has to be evaluated for its credibility and reliability. In other words, you have to exercise some quality control over what you use. When you use the print and multimedia materials found in your college library, your evaluation task is not so complicated because librarians have already established the credibility and appropriateness of those materials for academic research. The marketplace forces publishers to be discriminating as well.

  Data collected in interviews of persons whose reliability is not always clearly established should be carefully screened, especially if you present this material as expert opinion or as based on knowledge of your topic. And you may have even more difficulty establishing trustworthiness for electronic sources, especially Web and Internet sources.

  Because the Internet and World Wide Web are easy to use and accessible, Web material is volatile – it changes, becomes outdated, or is deleted. Its lack of consistency and sometimes crude form make Web information suspect for people who use it for research. Because there is frequently no quality control over Web information, you must critically evaluate all the material you find there, text and graphics alike.

( chapter4-07.cfm-27.10.2013. Adaptado)

According to the text, Web information may
Q771835 Inglês

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The Research Assignment

  Students today have access to so much information that they need to weigh the reliability of sources. Any resource – print, human, or electronic – used to support your research inquiry has to be evaluated for its credibility and reliability. In other words, you have to exercise some quality control over what you use. When you use the print and multimedia materials found in your college library, your evaluation task is not so complicated because librarians have already established the credibility and appropriateness of those materials for academic research. The marketplace forces publishers to be discriminating as well.

  Data collected in interviews of persons whose reliability is not always clearly established should be carefully screened, especially if you present this material as expert opinion or as based on knowledge of your topic. And you may have even more difficulty establishing trustworthiness for electronic sources, especially Web and Internet sources.

  Because the Internet and World Wide Web are easy to use and accessible, Web material is volatile – it changes, becomes outdated, or is deleted. Its lack of consistency and sometimes crude form make Web information suspect for people who use it for research. Because there is frequently no quality control over Web information, you must critically evaluate all the material you find there, text and graphics alike.

( chapter4-07.cfm-27.10.2013. Adaptado)

According to the text, librarians
Q481148 Direito do Trabalho
Relativamente ao trabalho e contrato do estagiário, a partir de 2008, pode-se afirmar que a unidade concedente do estágio (as pessoas jurídicas de direito privado e os órgãos da administração pública direta, autárquica e fundacional de qualquer dos Poderes da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios) deve indicar funcionário de seu quadro de pessoal, com formação ou experiência profissional na área de conhecimento desenvolvida no curso do estagiário, para orientar e supervisionar até _________estagiários, simultaneamente. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna.
Q481147 Gestão de Pessoas
Quanto aos objetivos, os planos de benefícios podem ser: assistenciais – provêm o empregado e sua família de certas condições de segurança e previdência em casos de imprevistos ou emergências, fora de seu controle ou de sua vontade; recreativos – proporcionam ao empregado condições de repouso, diversão, recreação, higiene mental ou lazer construtivo; supletivos – proporcionam aos empregados certas facilidades, conveniências e utilidades para melhorar sua qualidade de vida.

Assinale a alternativa que contém um benefício supletivo.
Q481146 Gestão de Pessoas
O conceito de learning organization foi desenvolvido por Chris Argyris e popularizado por Peter Senge na obra “A Quinta Disciplina”, na década de 1990, que passou a ser reconhecida como uma das bases teóricas no desenvolvimento do conceito. A quinta disciplina é a que integra as outras quatro, fundindo-as num conjunto coerente de teoria e prática, evitando que sejam vistas isoladamente. A quinta disciplina é
6: D
7: E
8: B
9: C
10: E