Questões da Prova CESGRANRIO - 2015 - Petrobras - Advogado Júnior

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Q539461 Inglês
Based on the fragment of Text I “Using objective assessments to measure employability – a comprehensive evaluation of hard and soft skills and overall potential – improves the odds of finding the right hires for the business” (lines 40-43), one infers that objective assessments
Q539460 Inglês
In the fragment of Text I “We’ve identified several tips for companies that want to see greater return on investment for millennial recruitment” (lines 23-25), the verb form in bold indicates that the
Q539459 Inglês
In the fragment of Text I “CEB research shows that five-in-six hiring managers believe their new graduate hires present a lack of the skills and knowledge they consider necessary” (lines 9-12), the word lack can be replaced, without change in meaning, by
Q539458 Inglês
The main purpose of Text I is to
Q539457 Português
A concordância verbal dos termos destacados obedece às exigências da norma-padrão da Língua Portuguesa em:
56: A
57: D
58: B
59: C
60: B