Questões da Prova FUNCAB - 2014 - PRODAM-AM - Programador - Desenvolvedor

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Q422604 Inglês

And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

According to the text, the customer service hotline:
Q422603 Inglês

And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

According to the text, the Ericsson mobile phone:
Q422602 Inglês

And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The expression “your new purchase” refers in the text to the purchase of:
Q422601 Inglês

And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

According to the text, the Ericsson warranty includes:
Q422600 Português

      Se usada com bons propósitos, como convém, a internet é uma ferramenta poderosa de transformações. Ela pode, e deve, servir de atalho entre o cidadão e o poder público, fazendo comque o primeiro tenha um canal de expressão, ao mesmo tempo em que as autoridades tomam o pulso da cidade. Um exemplo saudável dessa utilização é o projeto Rio+, que chega a sua etapa derradeira. Ao longo de quase um ano, ele convocou os cariocas a dar ideias para melhorar a vida na metrópole. Nesse período, foram reunidas em um site 1692 proposições de aproximadamente 700 pessoas. Após avaliação feita por uma banca commembros da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, a partir de critérios como viabilidade econômica e impacto social das medidas, chegou-se a uma lista de 26 finalistas. Em seguida, eles passaram por outro funil, o do voto popular, de onde saíram os treze projetos vencedores, anunciados pelo prefeito Eduardo Paes na terça-feira passada (22). São ideias simples e exequíveis, como a troca de lixo reciclável por descontos nos transportes urbanos e a instalação de peneiras nos bueiros para evitar enchentes. “Dizem que os cariocas só pensam em se divertir, mas, ao facilitarmos seu envolvimento com questões políticas, eles se tornam engajados e são muito criativos”, afirma Murilo Farah, criador da plataforma on-line que promoveu o concurso com o apoio da prefeitura e de uma empresa de cosméticos. [...] Como deixa claro o arco de idade e profissão dos envolvidos, a diversidade foi a marca do concurso. Reuniu num extremo a estudante Victoria Silva, de 12 anos, e no outro o engenheiro Victor Koi fman, de 78, recordista com 49 proposições. [...]
      [...] Como deixa claro o arco de idade e profissão dos envolvidos, a diversidade foi a marca do concurso. Reuniu num extremo a estudante Victoria Silva, de 12 anos, e no outro o engenheiro Victor Koi fman, de 78, recordista com 49 proposições. [...]
      Segundo a Trend, empresa de análise de tendências mundiais, com escritórios em Londres, Nova York, Sidney, Lagos e São Paulo, o engajamento cívico está entre as cinco principais orientações na agenda de 2014 das Américas do Sul e Central. O boletim divulgado no início do ano chama a atenção para a web como um eficiente veículo de reivindicações, algo que, aliás, já demonstraram as manifestações de rua do ano passado, germinadas nas redes sociais. Nesse contexto, a prefeitura busca criar um canal de diálogo com as pessoas. “O objetivo é transformar em melhorias palpáveis a energia que os indivíduos têm para protestar. O cidadão precisa ser parte da solução”, afirma Bruno Henrique, diretor da Coordenadoria Imagem Rio, da prefeitura. Sob sua alçada está um pacote de ações que prioriza a gestão participativa. Entre essas iniciativas estão chats com o prefeito e as chamadas hackathons, maratonas de programadores convidados a criar aplicativos para demandas urbanas.
      No exterior não faltam exemplos de movimentos impulsionados pela internet que originaram bem-sucedidas metamorfoses urbanas. Foi graças à mobilização de dois moradores de Manhattan, Joshua David e Robert Hammond, que nasceu o High Line, parque construído sobre o elevado de uma desativada linha férrea de Nova York que virou atração concorrida. De quebra, revitalizou todo o entorno, com novos hotéis, lojas, galerias de arte e restaurantes. Semelhante ao Rio+, o movimento Improve San Francisco (ISF), nascido há dois anos em uma das cidades mais populosas da Califórnia, já envolveumais de 20 000 cidadãos.Além da confiança e do diálogo travado como poder local, a população obteve conquistas concretas através da discussão na web. “As pessoas estão sempre muito atarefadas. O segredo para atraí-las é propor desafios estimulantes, usando ferramentas digitais com grande poder de alcance”, diz Nick Bowden, CEO da MindMixer,mantenedora do ISF. É o caminho a seguir.

      (Daniela Pessoa, in Revista Veja Rio, 30/04/2014)

Assinale a única opção correta com relação ao emprego do acento indicativo de crase.
41: C
42: B
43: E
44: D
45: C