Questões da Prova CESPE - 2011 - EBC - Analista - Tradução - Língua Inglesa

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Q273645 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the following items.
Language users set up which style to adopt regardless of the text to be presented.
Q273644 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the following items.
Several factors are supposed to be considered whenever a choice of style is required.
Q273643 Inglês
Each of the following items offers a suggestion for a translation into Portuguese of some excerpts of the text above. If the proposed translation is accurate and acceptable, label the item C (certo). Otherwise, label it E (errado).
“The concepts of ‘style’ and ‘stylistic variation’ in language rest on the general assumption that within the language system, the same content can be encoded in more than one linguistic form.” (L.2-5) — Os conceitos de “estilo” e de “variação linguística” residem na hipótese geral de que, dentro de um sistema linguístico, o mesmo conteúdo pode ser decodificado em mais de uma forma linguística.
Q273642 Inglês
Each of the following items offers a suggestion for a translation into Portuguese of some excerpts of the text above. If the proposed translation is accurate and acceptable, label the item C (certo). Otherwise, label it E (errado).
“Stylistics is the description and analysis of the variability of linguistic forms in actual language use.”(L.1-2) — A Estilística consiste na descrição e análise das variações das formas linguísticas em uso corrente na língua.
Q273641 Inglês
Each of the following items offers a suggestion for a translation into Portuguese of some excerpts of the text above. If the proposed translation is accurate and acceptable, label the item C (certo). Otherwise, label it E (errado).
“With the caveat that such stylistic factors work simultaneously and influence each other, the effect of one, and only one, stylistic factor on language use provides a hypothetical one-dimensional variety.”(L.23-26) — Considerando a limitação de que os fatores linguísticos trabalham simultaneamente e se influenciam, o efeito de um, e de tão somente um, fator estilístico no uso da língua fornece uma variedade unidimensional hipotética.
56: E
57: E
58: C
59: C
60: E