Questões da Prova CONSULPLAN - 2008 - CODEVASF - Técnico em Informática

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Q205474 Legislação Federal
O Conselho de Administração da CODEVASF é o órgão de deliberação superior da empresa. Levando-se em conta a sua composição, pode-se afirmar que:

I. Quatro de seus membros serão designados pelo Ministro de Estado da Integração Nacional, após prévia aprovação do Presidente da República.
II. O prazo de duração do mandato dos membros do Conselho representantes dos Ministérios é improrrogável e de dois anos.
III. O Presidente da Companhia é membro nato do Conselho.
IV. O Presidente do Conselho, se impedido de exercer sua função, será substituído pelo membro do órgão mais antigo na função, e, no caso de empate, pelo mais idoso.
V. A Presidência do Conselho é exercida pelo Ministro da Integração Nacional.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s):
Q205471 Legislação Federal
Considerando a organização básica da CODEVASF, correlacione os itens de acordo com as competências originariamente delegadas às seguintes unidades da Companhia:

1. Conselho de Administração.
2. Conselho Fiscal.
3. Diretoria Executiva.

(   ) Opinar sobre o relatório anual da administração e as demonstrações financeiras, fazendo constar do seu parecer as informações complementares que julgar necessárias e úteis.
(   ) Propor alterações no Estatuto da Companhia.
(   ) Aprovar as políticas, diretrizes e prioridades que devem ser observadas na programação e execução das atividades da Companhia.
(   ) Aprovar os regimentos internos dos órgãos que compõem a estrutura organizacional da Companhia.
(   ) Autorizar a locação de bens patrimoniais a terceiros e de bens de terceiros para uso da Companhia.

A seqüência está correta em:
Q205470 Inglês
The uses for oil
Oil is the largest source of liquid fuel and, in spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels, world consumption of oil
products in increasing.
The oil industry is not much more than a hundred years old. It began when the first oil well was drilled in 1859. In the
early days, oil was used to light houses because there was no electricity and gas was very scarce. Later, people began to use oil
for heating too.
Most industries use machinery to make things. Every machine needs oil in order to run easily. Even a small clock or watch
needs a little oil from time to time.
The engines of many machines use oil fuels petrol, kerosene or diesel. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, and small aircraft use
petroleum chemicals: synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic fiber materials for clothes and for the home, paints, materials which
help to stop rust, photographic materials, soap and cleaning materials (detergents), drugs, fertilizers for farms and gardens, food
containers, and may others.
In 1900 the world’s oil production was less than 2 million tons a year. Today the oil industry is one of the world’s largest
and most important suppliers of raw materials.
According to the text fertilizers, paints, detergents and food containers are examples of:
Q205469 Inglês
The uses for oil
Oil is the largest source of liquid fuel and, in spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels, world consumption of oil
products in increasing.
The oil industry is not much more than a hundred years old. It began when the first oil well was drilled in 1859. In the
early days, oil was used to light houses because there was no electricity and gas was very scarce. Later, people began to use oil
for heating too.
Most industries use machinery to make things. Every machine needs oil in order to run easily. Even a small clock or watch
needs a little oil from time to time.
The engines of many machines use oil fuels petrol, kerosene or diesel. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, and small aircraft use
petroleum chemicals: synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic fiber materials for clothes and for the home, paints, materials which
help to stop rust, photographic materials, soap and cleaning materials (detergents), drugs, fertilizers for farms and gardens, food
containers, and may others.
In 1900 the world’s oil production was less than 2 million tons a year. Today the oil industry is one of the world’s largest
and most important suppliers of raw materials.
In the sentence: “every machine needs oil in order to run easily”. Easily can be considered:
Q205468 Inglês
The uses for oil
Oil is the largest source of liquid fuel and, in spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels, world consumption of oil
products in increasing.
The oil industry is not much more than a hundred years old. It began when the first oil well was drilled in 1859. In the
early days, oil was used to light houses because there was no electricity and gas was very scarce. Later, people began to use oil
for heating too.
Most industries use machinery to make things. Every machine needs oil in order to run easily. Even a small clock or watch
needs a little oil from time to time.
The engines of many machines use oil fuels petrol, kerosene or diesel. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, and small aircraft use
petroleum chemicals: synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic fiber materials for clothes and for the home, paints, materials which
help to stop rust, photographic materials, soap and cleaning materials (detergents), drugs, fertilizers for farms and gardens, food
containers, and may others.
In 1900 the world’s oil production was less than 2 million tons a year. Today the oil industry is one of the world’s largest
and most important suppliers of raw materials.
Which is the largest source of liquid fuel according to the text?
16: D
17: E
18: E
19: A
20: E