Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos modais | modal verbs em inglês

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Q2003602 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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The use of the modal verb must in “The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels” conveys an idea of
Q2002591 Inglês
Na sentença “If a teacher is normally noisy and energetic in class, he or she should spend a class behaving more calmly.”, o verbo modal should:
Q2002252 Inglês

Saving Energy

Just a century ago, humans used very little energy because we had less of the things that consume it. There were no computers, phones, TV, cars, lights, washing machines and all that. After the industrial revolution, people started using a lot more manufactured items such as electronics, automobiles, and home appliances. These items use a lot of energy, but if we all cut its use by half, that would be huge savings, and make a great difference.

Saving energy can be achieved in different ways: 1. Energy conservation, 2. Energy Efficiency, and 3. Recycling. These first two are not the same, even though people often use them to mean the same thing.

1- Energy Conservation: This is the practice that results in less energy being used. For instance, turning the taps, computers, lights, and TV off when not in use. It also includes running in the park or outside instead of running on the treadmill in the gym. Energy conservation is great because we can all do this everywhere and anytime. It is a fundamental behavior we must acquire.

2- Energy Efficiency: This is the use of manufacturing techniques and technology _______ produce things that use less energy for the same result. For example, if a heater is designed to warm your home with less energy than regular heaters, that would be an energy efficient heater. If your washing machine uses less energy to do the same job as other washers, that is an energy efficient washer. An interesting fact is that homes built in the U.S. after 2000 are about 30% bigger, but they use less energy than older homes.

3- Recycling: This involves the use of waste or old materials to make new ones, like collecting all old newspapers from the town at the end of every day and turning the papers into fresh paper for printing again. We can collect all plastic bottles and send them to be used for new plastic bottles or used for children plastic toys. Recycling saves energy __________ less energy is used to recycle than to turn new raw materials into new products.
This means that to save energy, we should use all these great ways. If we all try to do this, together we can save some money and use less natural resources too.

(Adapted from: Access: 01/30/2018)
The modal verb should in “we should use all these great ways” (paragraph 6) indicates that the author wants to
Q1998010 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

How do people see disability today?

Some time ago, people’s idea of disability was very distressing, especially towards people with disability and their families. If a child was born with any kind of disability, they _____________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.

Today, disability is seen very differently. Education, information, support services, policy and accessibility efforts by many modern societies have empowered people with disabilities, together with _____ families, to rise to their fullest potential. Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society. Many people with disability have grown to become great, successful people.

Ray Charles and Steve Wonder, both blind from childhood, are some of ____________ musicians in the world. Marlee Matlin, ______ lost her hearing from childhood, is a great Standup Comedian and Actress. Chris Burke, a favorite American TV character, and writer, is a person with Down Syndrome. Nick Vujicic is _______ Australian Christian Evangelist and Motivational Speaker. Born ______ 1982 with a rare disorder, characterized by no hands and legs, has lived to inspire millions and continue to empower people.

Disability is part of life. People with disability have potential too, just like people without a disability. They have the same rights as everyone else and if people with disabilities, families, and society can work together on policy, we can make society all-inclusive and every person will have a fair chance to be the best they can be. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)

What does the use of the modal verb can in “we can make society all-inclusive” indicate?
Q1998004 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

How do people see disability today?

Some time ago, people’s idea of disability was very distressing, especially towards people with disability and their families. If a child was born with any kind of disability, they _____________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.

Today, disability is seen very differently. Education, information, support services, policy and accessibility efforts by many modern societies have empowered people with disabilities, together with _____ families, to rise to their fullest potential. Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society. Many people with disability have grown to become great, successful people.

Ray Charles and Steve Wonder, both blind from childhood, are some of ____________ musicians in the world. Marlee Matlin, ______ lost her hearing from childhood, is a great Standup Comedian and Actress. Chris Burke, a favorite American TV character, and writer, is a person with Down Syndrome. Nick Vujicic is _______ Australian Christian Evangelist and Motivational Speaker. Born ______ 1982 with a rare disorder, characterized by no hands and legs, has lived to inspire millions and continue to empower people.

Disability is part of life. People with disability have potential too, just like people without a disability. They have the same rights as everyone else and if people with disabilities, families, and society can work together on policy, we can make society all-inclusive and every person will have a fair chance to be the best they can be. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)

What is the best verb form to complete the sentence “If a child was born with any kind of disability, they __________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.”?
41: A
42: A
43: C
44: D
45: E