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Q1877301 Inglês
Read the sentences below and find the ones that are spelled correctly in the simple present.

I. He teaches Spanish at the university.
II. She always kisse her grandma before leaving.
III. You don't arrive late. IV. She don't watch TV every day.

Check the alternative that presents correct statements.
Q1877300 Inglês
Read the sentences below and find the one written in the simple present tense.
Q1819117 Inglês
Choose the sentence where there is a grammar mistake.
Q1816878 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text.

Adapted from:
Which of the alternatives below, correct and respectively, fills out the blanks in the last paragraph?
Q1794202 Inglês
In the sentence "The man _____ me to leave this message", the word missing is:
51: B
52: A
53: C
54: E
55: D