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Q1681540 Inglês
Choose the best option and complete the sentences:

1. ________ that movie with Brad Pitt?
2. I _________ home when I saw the accident.
3. They were sleeping when I ______.
4. We ______ TV all night long last night.
Q1677693 Inglês
Thanksgiving Day: An American Tradition.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. History:
In the 1700s when the pioneers first arrived to the New World they were overwhelmed by disease, lack of food and shelter, and conflict with Native Americans. However, after a period of time they grew accustomed to these challenges and even managed to create a friendly relationship with the natives. There came a point where certain Native American groups helped the new Americans plant crops, raise animals, and build shelter.
The first Thanksgiving was a day during harvest time when the pioneers and the Native Americans joined together to enjoy a feast of the grains, vegetables, and meats that they had raised. It was a time of celebration for their survival up until that point as well as a bright future that lay ahead of them.

Disponível em: nksgiving.html Acesso em 05 jan. 2021. 
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. Os tempos verbais utilizados no trecho acima são, respectivamente:
Q1633013 Inglês
Quais os aspectos verbais apresentados pelas frases a seguir?
I. He took the photos. II. He had taken the photos by the time the owner arrived. III. He was taking the photos when the owner arrived. IV. He had been taking the photos before the owner arrived.
Q1620946 Inglês

Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“The plane _________ to make a strange noise when we _________.”

Q1253818 Inglês

Available at:<>. Access on: Aug. 10, 2018 

Observe a seguinte sentença retirada do texto: “(…) generations of feminists who have been fighting for women’s rights for years” (l. 26-27) e assinale a alternativa que descreve o tempo verbal destacado.
46: B
47: D
48: C
49: C
50: B