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Q1724250 Inglês
Neil Armstrong se tornou o primeiro homem a pisar na Lua em 20 de julho de 1969. Na ocasião, estima-se que 500 milhões de pessoas assistiam e ouviam quando ele disse a famosa frase: “That’s one small step for ___ man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Assinale a alternativa que, correta e gramaticalmente, completa a frase dita por Armstrong. 
Q1610896 Inglês
Articles frequently accompany nouns. Choose the alternative that presents a general and a specific article, respectively.
Q1344527 Inglês arctic-europe-us

Consider the sentence: “The Earth has already warmed by an average of 1°C” (line 13). The article “the” is used
Q1343020 Inglês

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

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Read the sentences below and choose the one in which the indefinite article has been used incorrectly.
Q1300110 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: adaptado de <>.
Select the words that correctly replace the ☐ of lines 01, 10 and 22.
36: A
37: E
38: B
39: B
40: D