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Q2379794 Inglês
Consider the following dialogue between two friends, Mary and John, discussing their plans for the upcoming holidays.

“Mary is excited about her planned trip to Australia, and John is planning to stay at home to finish his novel.”

Based on their conversation, formulate a sentence that accurately portrays both Mary's and John's future plans using the correct forms of 'going to' and 'will'. Remember to consider the rules of usage for 'going to' and 'will' in expressing future actions and intentions. The correct answer could be:
Q2372573 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

Adapted from:
The following is an example of word formation by verb to adjective conversion:
Q2357614 Inglês
Mark the right alternative about the modal verbs characteristics; specifically ‘can’ (l.01) and ‘would’ (l.07):
Q2357440 Inglês
Examine the following statements: I.
In: 'What year did you graduated from university?', the verb 'to graduate' should be written graduate.
II. In: 'Why don't you together the house party with me?', the verb together should be written 'to gather'.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2353159 Inglês
Select the most appropriate modal verb considering the structure and idea of the sentence:

"The situation was dire, and success seemed improbable, but with determination and effort, they ____________ achieve their goals."
21: A
22: B
23: A
24: B
25: B